Fortunate Woman, A

Morland, Polly

  0 Reviews

John Berger's classic account of a country doctor working in an isolated English valley, A fortunate man, captivated and inspired its readers, and more than half a century later, this story about its present community is doing the same.

The intertwining stories of the patients' lives, their unnamed doctor, and the beautiful countryside, ensure this is a story with plenty to offer both rural and urban readers alike.

Foremost it invites consideration of the importance of relationship-based medicine in an era where impersonal care is becoming the norm.

Comments from BDS Reviewers

"I loved this book. It is so beautifully written in both its descriptive prose and the hardships endured by the community."

"Beauty, kindness and caring shines out from the pages all wound up together in a magical way."

"This is an interesting read, alternating between stories of the patients and the doctor herself."



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