How to Download and Print Your Book List

We received some requests from book club coordinators/convenors asking us to make it easier to download, print and share your book lists with your group. We've now added a download function which allows you to export your book list as a CSV file (spreadsheet) so you can more easily involve your group in the book selection process.

The spreadsheet also includes basic genre information such as Fiction/Non-fiction/NZ, so you can see at a glance if your list contains a mix of genres. You'll be able to edit the spreadsheet directly if you choose, send it to your group electronically, or print it out.

Here's how to download your book list:

The sign in button, located at the top right of the BDS website

1. Sign in to the convenor section of the website. If you have never done this before, enter the email you used to register with BDS and hit the 'Set up/Reset Password link'

Navigate to your book list in the books section of the convenor landing page

2. Go to 'Your books' > 'Your book list'

The download list button is located at the top right of your book list 3. You will find a 'Download list' link at the top right of your book list. Hit the link then check your downloads for the CSV file. You can now open, edit, save, share and print the spreadsheet as you choose.
The download list button is also available at the top right of the books supplied list

4. You will also find a 'Download list' link in the top right of the 'Books Supplied' page. This spreadsheet also contains the date of issue.