Chosen, The
Potok, ChaimAn insight into a wholly Jewish world. This novel focuses on the friendship between two boys. US. [Small font]
Comments from Groups
An interesting look at Orthodox Judaism. Solid reading in parts. Interesting comparison between two different father/son relationships .Most thought it sad. Tauranga 018 Chaim Potok is a masterful story-teller and quickly got our group talking about a wide range of topics such as politics, religious tensions and conformity. Highly enjoyable. Lower Hutt 006. Some enjoyed it. Others found it too detailed and wordy, while still recognising they did learn a lot. We judged it informative rather than interesting, and a good book for students of religion. We felt it was a book about friendship. Hamilton 026 Everyone loved this book, especially the way it was written - the characters came alive. Auckland 265 General enjoyment of the story., so much so that we would all like to read the sequel 'The Promise'. We found the relationships between the boys and their fathers absolutely intriguing. There were many parallels with today also - sects keeping to themselves and not mixing with gentiles. We discussed the difficulties of remaining faithful to beliefs in relation to expectations placed on children to conform. Carterton 001
Most of us loved this book. We all gained valuable insight into the historical and cultural aspects of Orthodox Judaism. We enjoyed the character development and found the writing well constructed. The book provoked a lively discussion. We thought the notes were very informative.
We all enjoyed this book which was written in a simple straightforward style but very well crafted. It is full of cultural and historical details which we found extremely interesting and informative, but they don't overwhelm the essential story of the growing friendship between the two young men and the differing relationships they had with their fathers. Highly recommended.
A book that opened up a new world for most of us. Some found it hard going, but most enjoyed it and felt that they had learnt a lot. One was driven to explore the creation of the State of Israel as she had never thought about it before. We found the situation between Danny and his father very sad, it is almost unthinkable that a father can only communicate with his son through another person. The characters were well drawn and truthful.
The group generally enjoyed the book, especially learning about different sects of Jews. Some found the book slow, but all agreed it was well written. The questions in the notes were too long, and we had to rush through them in two hours. Good discussions about Israel.
Everyone who read this, loved it. Many had read it before when it was first published, and were pleased it had stood up to the test of time. Recommended highly.
We all loved this book. It gave us a lot to think about and discuss.
We all loved this book. Everyone felt it was a challenge, but well worth the effort as we all learned a great deal about Judaism - the customs, different sects and the effects of these on the formation of the post-war state of Israel.
Fascinating content but a heavy read - more like an assignment than a 'good read'. We all finished it - good!
A beautifully crafted and moving story of fathers and sons battling relationships complicated by religious beliefs and practices. A fascinating insight into Judaism and an important historical novel. Highly recommended.
Our group really enjoyed 'The Chosen'. We thought it was a well constructed story that really held your attention. We learnt a lot about the Jewish culture and the different aspects of orthodox and non orthodox Jews. A great read.
Another book which drew great discussion from our group. Everyone agreed that they learned a lot from this book even if they struggled with some of the story. We thought it was well written and informative.