Land More Kind than Home, A

Cash, Wiley

  5 Reviews

One Sunday, nine-year-old Jess Hall watches in horror as his autistic brother is smothered during a healing service in the mountains of North Carolina. The unimaginable violence that follows must be untangled by a local sheriff with his own tragic past.

A Land More Kind Than Home is a spellbinding, heart-breaking story about cruelty and innocence, and the failure of religion and family to protect a child. It is a novel thick with stories and characters connected by faith, infidelity and a sense of hope that is both tragic and unforgettable. Taken from the book cover. [Larger font]

Comments from Groups

An interesting read which provoked a good discussion. Dunedin 044

The group found this a difficult book to get into, but we became hooked on reading about the characters, the terrible happenings, the cruelty, and the underlying control the pastors held over the people. A thought-provoking read. Auckland 271

This book divided our group. Some loved it, some found it dark and depressing - but a good discussion was held. Oamaru 005

A great read - hard to put down. Masterton 007

We gave it between 7.5 -10/10, and everyone found it hard to put down. A book set in the 80s, although most of us thought it felt like the 60s. We had an enthusiastic and interesting discussion. One of the best books for our book group. Auckland 210

A challenging read. A very realistic and well written novel, that generated a diverse discussion. We would recommend to other book groups.

Very good book. Discussion was varied and interesting. Gore 007



Mixed reaction to this book.
CHCH 258
We thought this book threw into light the power and influence of religion to exonerate individuals from taking individual responsibility for actions and decisions made.
An interesting and chilling piece of history.
AUCK 379
The group saw the book as more a morality tale than a "mesmerising literary thriller", but enjoyed the clarity of writing, and the value added by multiple viewpoints on the events.
Our group thought this was a very sad story. Starting with the death of a child at a faith healing meeting, and how it affects all the other characters negatively. Unfortunately no happy ending.