To Kill a Mockingbird

Lee, Harper

  18 Reviews

The lawyer's story, as told by his daughter, portrays the best and worst of life in the US South during the Depression. It tells of Atticus' attempt to defend a black man accused of the rape of a white girl in the Deep South. Considered an American classic. Pulitzer Prize winner.

Comments from Groups

Although this was a re-read for a number of the members, all enjoyed it. The depiction of small town America, its attitudes and mores was well done. Leithfield 001

40 years on, a second reading for most of us and we were enthralled by this book! Our most lively discussion yet and we covered it all - life in small town, racism, parenting, the legal system, gun laws... A superb book with great characters, especially Atticus and the children. Cromwell 003

We all thoroughly enjoyed and appreciated revisiting this extraordinary novel. The author's style of writing was engaging and the very serious social issues she tackled are sadly as relevant today as when the book was published. Palmerston Nth 006

This book deserves its classic status - multilayered, insightful, gripping plot. Great characterisation. Highly recommended. Palmerston Nth 025

The book received the highest score of any book that we have read! Greytown 003

Excellent book. 'Superb wordsmithing'. Whangarei 016



The majority of the group had read this book at least once before, but all commented on how their own age and experience had affected their understanding of it. An agreement was reached to reread it every five years, and hope that communities and relationships between groups might have improved in the interim.
CHCH 573
Group enjoyed book more thoroughly than when read at school.
WELL 228
Took a bit to get going. Those who finished were pleased they had read it.
PICT 007
Most found this a boring or tedious, hard read. A couple liked it. A few didn't finish it as they found it too boring. One member found it brought up hard painful memories of living in South Africa and witnessing hatred towards whites.
Overall we thought this was a book that continues to be relevant in our current world.
CHCH 395
A classic that most of the group had read, but one we enjoyed re-reading again. Still extremely relevant today as it was when published in 1960.
A good insight into American history through the eyes of a young girl , trying to make sense of the world. Great discussion.
NELS 009
We all loved it.
HAVE 008
All the group LOVED this classic novel. It certainly has stood the test of time. Harper Lee captured all the personality traits of all the characters. For some members it was their third reading and they still found it compelling.
This older book enjoyed by all members. Beautifully written, making members feel quite emotional at times.
Some members of the group had read this a number of years ago, and others came to it for the first time, but we all agreed that it is a wonderful book, well worth reading more than once, containing issues that are still very relevant, even topical, today! The characterisation was excellent in our view, and we all especially enjoyed Scout's narrative voice. It was a very engaging story, keeping the interest of the reader right til the conclusion, and leaving us with a lasting impression of both the characters and the events that unfolded, alive in our minds!
We all enjoyed this book. Well-written and easy to read. We particularly enjoyed the child's perspective of the story. Good discussion and lots to talk about. Discussion flowed easily.
AUCK 218
Great book. A classic we are so glad to have read.
CHCH 155
An absolute winner. Everybody really thought this although many had read it several times, and it still had the magic.
AUCK 189
This had the highest "I love it" level I've seen in the group. A remarkable book.
Thoroughly enjoyed by almost the whole group - only 2 had mild reservations. Very impressed at how the themes blended into the narrative and how the characters were utterly believable. Many members had read it years ago and were delighted to see how it stood the test of time, and how the themes proved to still have a lesson for us all.
AKAR 001
Book enjoyed by all the Club. Good talking points ensued.
CHCH 378
Easy to understand why this book is a classic. Superb - we all loved it.