My Stroke of Insight

Taylor, Jill Bolte

  12 Reviews

When Jill Bolte Taylor suffered a stroke, aged 31, she was in a unique position: as a brain scientist she was able to recognise and observe what was occurring. Following emergency brain surgery, Jill embarked on the long road to recovery, all of which is clearly and comprehensively documented in this story.

As well as a guide for stroke sufferers, their families and carers, this book also offers fascinating insights into achieving management of thought patterns and well-being.

Comments from Groups

The group found it very interesting and enjoyable. Nelson 002

Very enlightening. We all liked the 90 seconds rush and then decide - let it go or keep being angry/annoyed. We all got a lot from this book and we made a pact that if any one of us has a stroke we will tell that person's partner/family to read this book or You Tube Jill Bolt Taylor! Winton 002

Generally thought to be a very interesting read, particuarly in the early chapters. Dunedin 066

Great enthusiasm for the book from some - others a bit more guarded but all were intrigued with the workings of the brain, the right/left hemisphere conundrum and the possibility of having some control over it. We felt it a very useful book to help with understanding and caring for a stroke victim. Well discussed. Coromandel 001

Provoked an interesting and lively discussion. Christchurch 095



Most enjoyed the book, others found it hard to get into. Great reading from a personal view as a stroke has touched most of us in some way or another.
Reading this book created a lot of discussion. Most members knew of a close friend, relative or family member with some sort of brain injury. Quite an amazing recovery, almost unbelievable. Questions for caregivers and professionals helpful at the back of the book.
Created good discussion on left/right brain. Most really enjoyed the book and found it informative.
AUCK 335
A mixed reaction to this book but what we all agreed on was the usefulness of the 'do's and dont's' for carers - that was a really useful insight. Most found it a difficult book to remain interested in at times but we had a fruitful discussion about left/right brain thinking, organ donating, attitudes towards disabilty etc.
CHCH 023
Excellent reading and discussion. Initially quite technical but great.
Most of the group enjoyed the book, and one member is going to buy a copy for her personal library. The question was asked, would you give the book to somebody who had suffered a stroke Most said it would depend on the nature of the stroke, but would definitely give it to the caregiver. Generated great conversation as to how we regard people with a disability and how we treat them.
Not the easiest read. Insightful discussion, and we thought the book was a good book to have read. A good reference and a good challenge to us all.
AUCK 065
Amazing book, we all got a lot from it and had great discussions. A book everyone should read.
NELS 077
Positive and hopeful. Short, specific and impactful. Thank you!
An inspiring book - not the depressing read some of us feared. Full of hope and useful tips for those of us who have a loved one affected by a stroke.
CHCH 397
Interesting - a good conveying of her experiences. Very interesting to read about her symptoms and how the brain processed her stroke. We like stories where people overcome obstacles against the odds, and become better people as a result.
A small meeting, but all thoroughly enjoyed this book, much to our general surprise! Good notes and questions. With much sharing, we all felt we learned new things.