Our Catalogue

​Browse our extensive catalogue of fiction and non‑fiction titles.

Forna, Aminatta
Milk Lady of Bangalore
Narayan, Shoba
Book of Polly, The
Hepinstall, Kathy
Music Shop, The
Joyce, Rachel
Backman, Fredrik
Outrun, The
Liptrot, Amy
Born a Crime
Noah, Trevor
Exit West
Hamid, Mohsin
Wonder, The
Donoghue, Emma
Hillbilly Elegy
Vance, J D
Expatriates, The
Lee, Janice Y K
Dark Circle, The
Grant, Linda
Road No Good
Isichei, Bridget
See You in September
Norman, Charity
My Name is Leon
De Waal, Kit
Different Class
Harris, Joanne
Let There Be Water
Siegel, Seth M
Erdrich, Louise
Small Great Things
Picoult, Jodi
Find Me Unafraid
Odede, Kennedy & Posner, Jessica
Breaking Connections
Wendt, Albert
Widow, The
Barton, Fiona
Quiet Spectacular, The
Fearnley, Laurence
Infinite Home
Alcott, Kathleen
Golden Boys
Hartnett, Sonya