Sittenfeld, CurtisDarcy a neurosurgeon? Liz Bennet a journalist? Anything is possible in this contemporary retelling of 'Pride and Prejudice'. Set in Cincinnati, the Bennet family still have five daughters to launch, money is tight and there are societal obligations to fulfil.
Jane Austen fans and newcomers alike will relish this captivating and witty satire of 21st century life. [Larger font]
A bit raunchy, but a fun read.
A very easy light read; a quirky take on Pride and Prejudice in modern middle America. We all agreed it wasn't the best book we've read, but we found the little interwoven twists quite amusing. We did learn that we should be putting lipstick on from the middle!
Loved by all.
A good light read.
Unless you read 'Pride and Prejudice' first, the book is just an amusing 'bonk-fest'. It's definitely worth going back to Jane Austen, as those of who did enjoyed the book much more because we picked up on the satire. Those who didn't found it too superficial.
Mixed reaction to this book, some enjoyed it as a fun 'chick lit' read and were looking forward to reading other works in the series, others couldn't really see the point, and a few gave up and didn't finish the book. As it wasn't a great hit with most of the group it was a somewhat short discussion.
Not universally liked. Several readers 'gave up', however one person passionately advocated for the book and pointed out what we'd missed!
Most enjoyed the book. Thought it a great modern tale of "Pride and Prejudice" - enjoyed the first part best (thought the wedding a bit OTT). Very well written with great vocabulary. Enjoyed more by those who had read "Pride and Prejudice" and the writing of Jane Austen.
Several members of the group are Jane Austen nuts so there was very spirited discussion. Those who hadn't read any Jane Austen also scored it higher than average.
Not a recommended read - 2 of our group didn't get past the first quarter. An easy read but a poor modern-day version of Pride & Prejudice with shallow characters and unlikely circumstances thrown together.