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Start a book group

How to find members, register,
and run your book group

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Join the club!

three steps to starting a book group


Step one: Rally

Form a group with 7-12 people you know or see our tips on how to find more members for your group.

You can also search for more members or an existing group to join on our map of BDS book groups.


Step two: Register

Complete the new group registration form. You'll need:

  • A group coordinator
  • A list of books chosen from our catalogue
  • A regular meeting date
  • one-off $30 group registration fee

Once registered, you'll be emailed a login so you can manage your group online.


Step three: Read

Once you're registered and your membership fees have been paid, the book parcels start arriving and the discussion begins!

Read on to see how your first year with BDS will go...

Get your book group started

choose the programme that's right for your book club


10 books/year

Establish an enjoya​ble reading and socialising routine with our most popular programme

$82 per member | $40 for coordinators


5 books/year

A bi-monthly option for those who want to take things a little slower

$65 per ​member | $30 for ​coordinators

Book Group Programme information

full and half programmes

How it works

BDS offers a monthly (or bi-monthly) subscription for your book group. You get the group together and we take care of the rest! 

BDS provides:

  • a catalogue of over 1,000 titles for your club to choose from.
  • enough copies of each title for all members of the group to read the book at the same time.
  • professionally-prepared discussion questions with additional notes for those who want to delve deeper with their discussions.
  • an online map facility to attract or contact new members.
  • free delivery anywhere in New Zealand.

Your club:

  • chooses their own books from our catalogue. Full programme groups choose 25 titles and half programme groups choose 15.
  • is self-directed and meets in a location of your choice on a day and time that suits your members.
  • nominates one coordinator who is usually responsible for receiving and returning the books. In recognition of their organisational prowess, coordinators receive a generously discounted membership.
  • is responsible for return postage (if outside Christchurch). You can purchase subsidised courier bags from BDS for this purpose.

When can we start?

You can register a full or half programme group at any time during the year. Your first meeting can be held as early as seven days later, except from mid-November to early January when BDS ceases dispatches for the holidays.  Once registered, we'll send you a copy of your calendar with all your meeting dates so you can keep track and share them with your group!

How do we find more members?

You'll be surprised how quickly a group can form once you advertise the fact you're starting a book club. Here are some tips for getting a group together:

  • Leave a message on our map so other readers searching for a group can contact you. You can also contact other individuals who have left a listing on the map about joining your group.
  • Placing notices in your local newspaper, neighbourly, or neighbourhood Facebook groups are also great ways to find more members.
  • We've also created two book group posters you can download for free to help you find more members. Add your own information to the customisable fields then print for use on noticeboards in your community, library or workplace.

Contact us

more information

You can contact us any time with your questions, or to request a free book club information pack in the mail. Information packs include a hard-copy of our catalogue, registration form and info sheets.

Contact us

start a book club today!

Register now