Grapes of Wrath, The
Steinbeck, JohnAn American mid-west family's journey to the false Garden of Eden of California during the Depression. [Small font]
Comments from Groups
We all enjoyed Steinbeck's beautiful use of language despite (or because of?!) the dire nature of the story. No wonder it became a classic. Auckland 323 Best book ever! Our group were, all of them, excited by its style, theme and characterisation. Most of them had read it in their youth and were delighted to re-appreciate it in their 'maturity'. Hamilton 007 Some found the book too gloomy and didn't finish it, but those of us that did, really appreciated it in spite of the gloom. Some very fine writing and detail, and an insight into that period of US history. Masterton 008 We all really 'enjoyed' the story, the manner of writing, while at the same time feeling the weight of poverty and sense of hopelessness. We admired the womens' courage and strength. Wellington 130 Overall our group 'enjoyed' the book. We did however, find it disturbing and somewhat too long. Some really enjoyed the varying chapter styles - others found it irritating. We thought character development was minimal, but the language, conversation and landscape descriptions were brilliant. We thought the story was absolutely accurate and a very telling indictment of America in the 1930s. Pukeko 001 Quite a 'heavy and grim' book - not read by all the members. However, good discussion on the times, the politics and policies of the era. It was a history lesson for some of the members. Auckland 116 The book was voted by all members as a very worthwhile read. Powerful descriptive language, moving story and shocking truths all made significant impact. Invercargill 003
We all thought it was very well-written, very descriptive, evoking good imagery. There were some pithy wise insightful quotes. The shorter in between chapters were informative and interesting. Despite this several of us didn't finish it because we couldn't push ourselves to read such a grueling novel. Some found reading the Southern American accent hard work. Provoked a good discussion on how unfortunately disadvantaged people are still being exploited, human vulnerability to events out of our control, and the strength to carry on that comes from being in a group.
A thought provoking book, an amazing read and great description of characters. A couple of people found it hard to get into and didn't finish it.
Everyone found this a superbly written novel, well deserving of the accolades it received; harrowing at times and not an "easy read". We found it interesting in relation to present day migration of refugees in similar straits, and the fact that humanity has not come too far. Steinbeck brings the people and times to life for us. All were pleased to have read this book.
A great read, and enjoyed by all. Stimulated prolonged discussion and an interest by all to read more American history.
We found the writing very powerful, but those who had read it before didn't re-read it, as the story is quite depressing.
John Steinbeck is such a wonderful writer that we all had a good wallow in this book, even though it is so depressing...
All thought this book quite wonderful, and appreciated it so much more ( than the 1st reading) now that we're older.
Great book! Very well-written, producing vivid and sad 'pictures'. The women were portrayed as strong characters which the group enjoyed.
We had a really good discursive discussion on this book. Several had read it previously, but so long ago that it seemed fresh and very stark! The picture the author drew of that period was stark and depressing with no way up for the families, however we thought that the family would manage 'somehow'! The only thing they could hang on to was hope...