Half Life of Valery K, The

Pulley, Natasha

  1 Reviews

Nuclear scientist Valery Kolkhanov is resigned to life in a Siberian gulag, but with a nod from his former mentor he suddenly finds himself in City 40, a mysterious town in a forest where he is to study the effects of radiation on the ecosystem. Who wouldn't enjoy the dramatic improvements in the living conditions? But it comes with a price and when Valery realises just what his research is to encompass, it really is a case of out of the frying pan into the fire.

With its plausible characters, grim tidings and provocative plot, this is a terrifying Cold War thriller based on true events.



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We all enjoyed this book - amazing to learn it was based on true events. We thought the ending was a bit weak, but on the other hand were very pleased that so many people were able to escape.