Herd, The
Edwards, EmilyTo vax, or not to vax ... that is the question. It might be a very personal question, but it is one whose answer can have unforeseen consequences for children, as Elizabeth and Bryony discover. From close friends and neighbours in an English village, to adversaries in the court room in a flash, it is a question and moral position that must be defended.
Thought-provoking and compassionate, this is a timely story that grapples with the issue of childhood vaccination, in a page-turning, relatable style. [Larger font]
Excellent book - presented all points of view while still clearly indicating where the author's position was. Generated a great deal of discussion.
We enjoyed the extensive arguments for and against vaccination and how someone's experiences contribute to the beliefs they hold. A clever book which starts rather mundanely yet finishes in a dramatic way. Loved the guide dog which gave some positivity to a highly emotional situation. Thought provoking about society, love, and the judgements we make!
Very interesting and timely on how individual choices can affect family, friends, and the wider community. It gave us a very lively discussion.
Created a lot of discussion. An engaging take on different perspectives of an important issue.
Nobody liked either of the main characters! Issues discussed included parental decision making, pharmaceutical company transparency, need for improved health education, and the role of the media. Several people commented that the structure of the story was a bit loose.
Well-liked by our group. Very topical with good character portrayals. Evoked good discussion and showed varied beliefs and two views on such a controversial topic.
Everyone enjoyed the book. We all had sympathy for both sides. A good discussion was held. Some of us felt more tolerant of 'anti-vacc' people after reading the book. Well worth the read, and very topical at this point.
Great theme but lost the plot a bit.
This book sparked a good discussion about vaccination, beliefs, rabbit holes and more!
This book gave us lots of discussion on a very relevant and current topic. An easy read on a complex topic inspiring further investigation by some. Main characters not easy to relate to. An enjoyable start to our Book Club journey!
Quite a controversial book among our group, and a lively discussion. Well worth it, to hear varying opinions. Interesting feedback from both sides of the vaccination debate.
A topical book exploring vaccination. Although we found some of the characters and plot implausible, it was well-written and kept the reader interested. Sides not taken! Generated interesting discussion. Easy to read and hard to put down. Great unexpected twist at the end.
This book was enjoyed by almost all the group. The issues it raises are relevant to today and the characters and narrative technique are engaging. Recommended by most of the group.
This book generated lots of discussion re people's fear of vaccination.
We loved this book. The twist in the story was amazing. We also enjoyed the points of view from random characters in the book. Thought provoking.
A very popular read. Lots of great discussion with some varying opinions - everyone should read this!
Well balanced book. Portrayed the husbands sympathetically. Very topical subject and well handled. We all found we had empathy for all the characters regardless of our views.
Great book for discussion, but difficult book to 'get into'. Many characters with difficult names to remember. Wide range of views. Very topical.
Topical, interesting and an easy read.
A light read - good discussion about the story.