Hobbit, The
Tolkien , J.R.R.A famous fantasy-adventure work, peopled with creatures from folklore and the writer's imagination.
Comments from Groups
Those of us reading 'The Hobbit' for the second time ( and having had the benefit, since, of seeing the 2 films) enjoyed revisiting Bilbo and his adventures. Others in the group confessed to difficulty in staying with the book and not all finished it. Lower Hutt 004This was a new book for just a few of us. For most it was a pleasant return to Middle Earth, for some, a bit of a chore. A good discussion had - mostly about the notes. We all agreed, alas, that the same story could never be written about a group of women/female dwarves etc Palmerston 001
A rather mixed response from our group. Several recalled enthusiastic reaction when reading it to their children, but some of us felt it was little more than a tale of adventure, with minimal intrinsic interest. Taupo 004
All of the group enjoyed the book. Some had read it a while ago and it was interesting to see what they remembered. We all admired the way the author produced a completely believable and plausible story from what is really an absurd premise. Pukeko 001
We had very mixed feelings about this one, but most felt it was very worthwhile reading for the first or second time - probably best read aloud to children. Upper Hutt 002 Thank you very much for starting the year with 'The Hobbit'. Some in our group were reluctant to read fantasy, but they had no regrets. Wellington 058