Water for Elephants
Gruen, SaraThis is the story of a travelling circus in America during the Depression. After Jacob Jankowski's parents die in a tragic car accident, the bank repossesses their home, which had been mortgaged to finance Jacob's veterinary studies. Jacob has to terminate his studies. Dejected, he jumps on a train carrying the "Benzini Brothers' Most Spectacular Show on Earth", and is hired because of his veterinary skills. The novel, told in flashback by nonagenarian Jacob Jankowski, holds many complex layers - adventure, love, history, suspense, and a surprise ending.
Comments from Groups
Warm and satisfying story enjoyed by the majority. Style of writing from past to present well executed. Nelson 058 Overall recommended. History of circus life and research by the author are first class. Blenheim 014 Great book. However, the ending with Jacob running away with the circus was a tad unbelievable. Auckland 264 A good read with great insight into the hierachy and language of the circus. We had quite a chuckle about the goings on in the retirement home...ending rather far-fetched. Queenstown 003 Enjoyed the book and clever construction. Liked the ending as all felt Jacob deserved to 'win out'. We all liked him. Ngongotaha 001 It was delightful and brought back many memories of the circus in days gone by...We recommend it to all and would love the chance to run away to the circus aged 93. Geraldine 002
Just a wonderful story.
Great read, book was liked by all - some even looking out the movie and planning to buy the book to re-read in the future.
Although a small group we all gave this a high score. Very cleverly written. It was different and interesting, like an 'adventure story for grown-ups' with the themes of social class, animal cruelty etc. It gave an insight into the reality of the Depression - having/not having a job.
A wonderful insight into how a circus ran/survived pre WW II. It was interesting the way the circus and rest home parts were intertwined. A good delightful read.
Good read, liked the contrast between then and now. Descriptions of life in a circus in the depression were pretty harsh, but sounded accurate. Hard to put down!
Good old fashioned storytelling, "you have to read every word" and "give yourself time to read it".
Everyone enjoyed this book, an insight into an era, and a different world (circuses), that we found interesting. We liked the way the chapters were alternated with earlier dates when Jacob is in the rest home. A very enjoyable read.
The whole group enjoyed this book.
Not our favourite book. We all found it gruesome and not a feel good read.. The movie was on TV too and most of us tried to watch . Most of our discussion was around the Retirement Home as we have elderly parents in similar situations.
Everyone enjoyed the book. Most of the discussion was about the rest home views, and as most of the group are 60+ and some have elderly parents, the consensus was that the descriptions were accurate and entertaining. We felt that while the ending was pleasant, it tended to be weak and unrealistic. Overall the most popular book we have had so far.
An interesting, light-hearted read. Gave us an insight into the harsh realities of travelling circus life in USA during deprived economic times. It also made us thankful that a vocal and effective animal rights' movement has improved the lot of circus animals. A passionate, yet sometimes harsh and brutal novel.
It was a well written book which made it easy to read. Some people loved the ending, and some felt it was a let-down.
Good discussion. We all enjoyed the book. The rest home chapters were sad, especially as most members have, or have had, family members in care. The circus chapters were enlightening - the cruelty to the animals, the dreadful conditions in which they, and most of the humans, lived! How different life was in the 1930s, certainly not "the good old days" for many!!
We are now going to meet one evening to watch the film. Most of us really enjoyed this book, especially the chapters concerning the old man in the rest home. One of our members who had lived in Africa, explained elephant behaviour - that if elephants have been badly treated by people, they never forget.
All members enjoyed this book, and those that had seen the movie said that the book was much better. The descriptions of life in an old folks' home were believable even if the ending was a bit fantastic. The hook of the "murder" was well written.
Most liked the book, although found some parts a little too graphic.
We absolutely loved it! A wonderful and uplifting story which left us feeling warm and satisfied. Pure escapism with the circus, which had us swept along with its fascinating life and volatile, colourful characters. A really great read.
We all love this book!
We really liked this book - found it combined warmth and humour, and a happy ending with strong characters and a sense of time and place, especially the effects of the Depression on people's behaviour. And Rosie the elephant was so lovable!