Is She Still Alive?
Duder, TessaA collection of thirteen stories for women who have moved beyond youth and into maturity, who have seen and experienced much of what life has to offer, and wear their years with pride. The wonderful, wise and witty women she has created will strike a chord with their tales of loves and dreams they have lived and lost, their tragedies and their triumphs and most of all, their enduring spirit and often unexpected strength. Is she still alive is the question women of a certain age hear all too often - in Tessa Duder's wonderful new stories the answer is a resounding yes. [Taken from book cover.] NZ Interest. [Larger font]
Comments from Groups
All our members thoroughly enjoyed this read, cleverly written by Tessa Duder. We could relate to many of the characters and subjects. Timaru 004 All really positive re author's skill. Each story crafted differently with narration methods varied. General enjoyment of short stories although some found a bleakness permeated several of them. Christchurch 095 Our group was divided on this book. 50/50 as to loving it or not! ..... Queenstown 005 Book club members had a wide range reactions to this book, from not very enjoyable to enormous pleasure often tinged with sadness...... Christchurch 243 Enjoyed - wonderful short stories. We enjoyed the fact that there was such a mixture - some we enjoyed, some we didn't.... Katikati 002
Half our group gave lukewarm reviews preferring to read a full-length book where characterisation and plot could be developed. We found most of the characters shallow and rather unpleasant and the themes generally depressing. The enthusiasts found people or situations they could relate to, and appreciated the difficulty of writing a short story. It generated an enthusiastic discussion on womens liberation and a reflection on what our generation (born prior to 1950) had achieved.
The majority in our group said short stories were not their favourite genre. However without exception everyone said they enjoyed at least several of them, and several said they enjoyed all of them. They were not short short stories as we felt they were complete, and almost everyone felt they could relate to parts. All thought the stories were well-written.
Relevant to men of a certain age as well!
Responses to this book ranged from "loved it" to "not for me". Particular favourite stories were Post Mortem, which seemed to appeal to everyone, Mrs Harold Rex, Just a Housewife, and Flying the Nest. These stories generated a lot of discussion about the world we had grown up in and the narrow definition of roles in which our mothers had been confined. Each story served as a reminder of women we had known.
Approximately 50% really enjoyed this, the other 50% not so keen. 3 of the group had read it previously and still enjoyed a second reading. Lots and lots of discussion though - one of the longest meetings yet, as so much conversation was going on!
Although some members were hesitant as to whether they would enjoy short stories, most of us really enjoyed this collection. We liked the variety of women's experiences covered. 'Mother Earth' was a particular favourite as it was a whole novel in 63 pages.
This book was enjoyed by the whole group. Being of a similar age range to the characters in the stories, we could identify with the portrayal of life's experiences, good and bad. It is written in a style and using language that is easy to read, and the conversations between characters are entirely accurate and real. A recommended read.
We had a hilarious time relating various stories to our everyday life. Wide ranging discussion.
This book, overall did not find favour with our group. It was noted that the author was a writer of children's novels, and though her style was clear and descriptive, it was thought she may have lacked strong definition in some of the characters. Some members only finished stories they found interesting, others did not finish the book. The first two stories prompted good general discussion as did 'Mrs Harold Rex'. We would recommend this book as a light read.
Tessa does it so well! Interesting range of stories, enjoyable and overall very entertaining. One member commented on how some stories struck a chord - seeing herself and others known to her, laid bare!
Generally our group felt they preferred one story, to a book of short stories. But discussion proved we had plenty to talk about as a result of the stories we did read.
Well worth reading. A mixed reaction from the group. All the stories created a lot of conversation with laughs about some of the stories and characters - some thinking a few stories too close to the bone.
Mixed opinions on the value of this book, but on the whole members found many stories very readable and could relate to them. The ability of the author on her subject matter was very much admired. Very age related.
Most enjoyed it and thought the stories very true to life. I thoroughly enjoyed it.
Mixed reaction. Some members found it gloomy and sad. Others resonated with the various stories and enjoyed the memories it evoked.
An interesting mix of generally insightful stories about real life. Most stories seemed to focus on the painful realities, rather than the good things/joys of life, so somewhat depressing. Some patchy writing making some stories harder to read than others, but overall well-written.
Huge diversity of opinions - good conversation generated. Was Irma murdered
Our group on the whole did not enjoy this book - very few persevered and read all the stories, although those that did quite enjoyed some of the stories, and felt that they could have been better arranged to engage the reader and draw them deeper into the book. For most of us it confirmed our ambivalence towards the short story format, and the fact that it is easier to give up than when reading a novel.