Owls do Cry [NZ]

Frame, Janet

  1 Reviews

Frame's first novel. The story of the loss of imagination and innocence in the bleak world of small-town New Zealand. Poignant literature. NZ Interest.

Comments from Groups

Despite the very black content of the book, we all found it beautifully written with portions of it uplifting. Auckland 143

Great book, followed by a great discussion! Definitely worthy of a 2nd read as there was a lot going on. A book full of fantastic quotes - some quite depressing, so that made it interesting also. Auckland 183

Difficult, puzzling, bleak, superb descriptive language, amazing contrasts,wonderful imagery, were the main descriptions of the book. Recommendations - read the notes first and be prepared to read the book twice. Taupo 005

We all found the book sad and depressing, but her language is beautiful and the metaphors completely original. Loved it. Aokautere 001

Half our group found this book too difficult to read. The other half found themselves caught up in discussion of Janet Frame's balance between 'insanity' and genius. We all felt the theme was very sad. Queenstown 003

Book was enjoyed by all. Excellent notes- and lively discussion followed. Havelock North 011

We all found the book quite daunting to begin with, but once you got into it, it flowed a bit more. Definitely a challenging read though, but most of us learnt something about the storyline from the dicussion that followed. Christchurch 311



WELL 047
A difficult book to read. Also the notes were very complicated. However members were pleased that they had read it. Quite a lively discussion.