Return to Harikoa Bay [NZ]

Marshall, Owen

  6 Reviews

A story a day could very well keep the doctor away... short and perfectly formed, the 33 stories in this collection are a tonic, distilling the essence of life in New Zealand.

In these thoughtful vignettes, the wide variety of relatable people, the recognisable landscapes, and the author's ability to fully inhabit each of the characters, ensures this is a book to savour.



WELL 041
This book was largely much enjoyed. We think Owen Marshall writes beautifully and is a master of the short story. Each story was a pleasure to read. However, one or two of the group find short stories too short, preferring the longer format of novels, biographies etc.
AUCK 443
The group felt that the stories were very NZ oriented. Marshall is a visual writer and the settings tended to define the characters and their feelings/emotions. The stories also tended to reflect Marshall's own experiences and observations which made them very relatable to us as NZ readers. Comparing them with Katherine Mansfield's and Janet Frame's short stories, which we did, they seemed a little pedestrian. On average our preference was to give the collection of stories a 3.
CHCH 518
This book convinced several in our group that short stories were an enjoyable read. We all liked the title story in particular.
AUCK 422
Our main discussion was about the title story, so this rating was based on this one story. First time we have ever unanimously given such a high score! But such a perceptive and beautifully written story, that we could all relate to in some way. It stimulated a great discussion.
ROTO 003
We enjoyed the snippets of people's lives and characterisations. Some thought they'd like the stories to develop more. Great that so many were N.Z. based. Personally I loved them.
Well-written; we liked the different voices...male, female, different ages. Authentic settings and we enjoyed those set in N.Z. Some people didn't get into it or finish.