Ask That Mountain
Scott, DickAn account of the 19th-century Maori-European struggles at Parihaka in Taranaki, and the doctrine of passive resistance preached by Te Whiti and Tohu. The book is illuminated by oral history passed on to the author. NZ Interest.
Comments from Groups
A very worthwhile book. Surprisingly absorbing. Timaru 013. Recommend this book to other groups? 9.5/10. Did the book challenge your views and cause you pause for thought? 10/10. Dunedin 036. Those who read the book found it an interesting part of New Zealand's past - our own story of passive resistance which occured many years before international examples. Dunedin 036.
Extremely interesting and very educational for some of our group, who had no real knowledge of the Taranaki and Parihaka in the 1800s.
Hard to rate this book - many of us didn't read it, some of us know the story well. It isn't an easy book to read, although important to know the story.
Although we know this is an important and worthwhile part of our history to learn about, we struggled with the format of the book and not many of us read it.
The book is more a text/reference book and because of this, we all agreed it was extremely detailed making it difficult to read. Having said that, it is an interesting and important recording of a time in NZ's dark colonial history. Reading this has given us a much better understanding of Maori land grievances and our discussion centred around how anger gets filtered down to the younger Maori generation. This definitely needs to be taught in schools so our younger non-Maori people have a better understanding of 'what went before them' in this land.
Very interesting read. Few had previous knowledge of this NZ history. Plenty of discussion. Very good notes.
Impressive, informative and very humbling to realise how little we collectively knew of important NZ history. We had a fantastic discussion which was enhanced by the fact that we had a guest who had lived at Parihaka for several years, and had taught Maori at Opunake High.
This book provoked much discussion - several people voted it 10 out of 10 - others found it very hard to read. All agreed it made us think hard about a piece of our history we had previously known little about, and we felt driven to find out more.
Some of our group appreciated the 'text' book quality of this book. We had a lively discussion about colonisation and effects on the Tangata Whenua.
Not an easy read - but one of the best for discussion.
We all found this book very challenging, but also enlightening. The detail and the factual style of writing meant we had to read with more attention than usual! Several members were most upset with the way our indigenous race was treated, plus the insatiable lust for land and the duplicity this involved. We had great admiration for Te Whiti and Tohu, especially Te Whiti's clever, intelligent way of dealing with his adversaries, and his ability to unite the people and convince them that passive resistance was the best way to attempt to keep their land....
This book had a profound effect on us all - it should be compulsory reading in all secondary schools. The treatment of Maori by the colonists was truly appalling. We appreciated the vast amount of research that went into this work. Not a book to curl up with, but a very good read. A significantly important book in the context of NZ history. Highly recommended.
Great discussion!
An essential read for every new Zealander. Those who had read it previously read it again, gaining further insight. The abuse of the judicial system ie. passing retrospective legislation, and the concerted action to confiscate land from Maori is appalling. Some felt shocked, ashamed and very emotional over the travesties.