Evans, DianaGeorgia and Bessie Hunter are identical twins, daughters of an English father and a Nigerian mother, growing up in a London suburb punctuated by a sojourn in Nigeria for their father's work. It is there that the seeds of calamity are sown, the impact to reverberate for the rest of their lives.
Replete with eloquently drawn characters, this is a warm and moving story that considers not only twinship and the twists and turns of family life, but what one must do to survive the challenges and trauma of reaching adulthood. Winner of the Orange Prize for New Writers.Comments from Groups
A beautifully crafted book-very touching-enjoyed particularly by the women in our mixed group. It engendered an interesting discussion on cultural and sibling issues. Greytown 001Difficult to get into but really enjoyed. Descriptions lovely...Connection between twins very interesting..Really engrossing...Didn't really enjoy it-didn't connect: Comments from Carterton 001This was enjoyed by all, we felt it was so well written with wonderful descriptive sentences and passages, a winner! Whangarei 004Mixed feelings about this book, some really liked the writing...some struggled with the middle part of the book. Interesting to that that it is her first book, wonder what her next book would be? Hikurangi 001Most members enjoyed this book. One Scottish member disliked this book! We had a good discussion about `villages` in NZ, about prejudice and about young narcissistic financiers. Wellington 123
We enjoyed this book but found it difficult for the first third. It was written in a very different and quirky way which was compelling, as was the portrayal of twin-ship, and the separate paths taken at maturity. The author had obviously experienced the pain and grief of being unable to save a loved one, and to bring her back to a place of sanity. An interesting read.
This book was a light, easy read and enjoyed by most.
Not all members read the book. Some found the book difficult to get into, but persistence paid off.
All present at our meeting found it a very interesting and challenging read. It generated a great deal of discussion.
Some members really enjoyed this book, but most of us thought it was lacking something. However we all loved the descriptive but concise way of writing.
Although only seven of our members present, we all enjoyed and got something out of this book.
Three members couldn't finish this book - the rest of us thought it was excellent, and it prompted a long discussion.
Our group thought the book a well-written contemporary story. The notes were excellent with their detailed page numbers. It all generated an excellent discussion.
Wonderfully written. A deceptively sunny start, then ending in tragedy.
A book showing great insight into family dynamics and the spiritual and mystical connections between twin sisters and their siblings. The authors delightful use of picturesque phrases lightened the sombre underlying themes of repressed feelings, alcoholism, depression and suicide.