All the Broken Places

Boyne, John

  5 Reviews

Gretel Fernsby was a young girl when her brother died in WWII, but now she is 91, a lifetime has passed, although the guilt and recriminations around Bruno's death remain. When a new family move into her London apartment building and their child is at risk, Gretel is forced to confront her distressing past if she is to prevent another tragedy from occurring.

.Written with sensitivity and insight, this is a stand-alone adult sequel to The Boy in Striped Pyjamas, the complex story of Gretel's life, its terrible secrets and her last chance for atonement.

Comments from BDS Reviewers

"I was captivated from the first page."

"John Boyne at his best. No fancy embellishments."

"In the background there was a sense of great mystery which drew me in more and more."

"There are some unexpected twists and turns. Clever!"

"Boyne has an incredible ability to make characters seem real. You can feel their pain, their confusion, the complexities of the issues."

"John Boyne's fluid style of writing is easy to read. His sense of timing keeps the story moving well across five decades."

"Boyne wrote Gretel's story in the first person. I wasn't convinced by the authenticity of her voice."

"The timeline approach is very skilled, it keeps you engaged as more and more of Gretel's life journey becomes clear."



CHCH 539
Loved reading this novel. Great discussion on the guilt carried by an individual, and the pain they felt.
CHCH 517
Our group found the book 'compelling', very readable, and with lots of twists and surprises.
An unforgettable book, enjoyed by our whole group. It was a journey through history and emotion which provoked much discussion - from early Jewish history, today's Israel/Gaza turmoil as well as the personal legacy of living with past actions. Best book this year.
Loved it, everything beautifully tied in together, keep thinking about it. Generated lots of interesting discussion.
AUCK 460
Scores between 4 and 5. Thought-provoking and gripping, with an unexpected twist. Engaging and well-written.