All the Broken Places
Boyne, JohnGretel Fernsby was a young girl when her brother died in WWII, but now she is 91, a lifetime has passed, although the guilt and recriminations around Bruno's death remain. When a new family move into her London apartment building and their child is at risk, Gretel is forced to confront her distressing past if she is to prevent another tragedy from occurring.
.Written with sensitivity and insight, this is a stand-alone adult sequel to The Boy in Striped Pyjamas, the complex story of Gretel's life, its terrible secrets and her last chance for atonement.
We appreciated this book choice for its exploration of a complex character shaped by the events of her childhood and early teen years. Amidst excellent prose within a highly sensitive subject, the reader is constantly challenged by the uncomfortable questions the story poses - for our group, the discussion could have continued beyond two hours.
A novel built on a story we already knew, gradually revealing the background, with less of the trauma than expected. Discussion was intense as we debated how the authorities may have treated Gretel and her mother should they have submitted themselves to them. The writing was intriguing with alternate chapters each bringing to life the younger, then the elder Gretel. Feelings towards the Jewish people was forcefully written in line with the times, with Boyne adding family abuse into the mix. The group enjoyed the book.
Everyone enjoyed the book. Such an interesting story with a twist at the end.
We loved this book and had a great discussion with differing opinions about the motives. So easy to read even though the content was uncomfortable at times.
We agreed that it was a good read and an easy/fast read in spite of some tragic/dreadful scenes . A fascinating study of living with guilt and Gretels reactions to it. Both her parents guilt and her own. Moving from past to present required some attention but gave depth to the story. There was so much to discuss about guilt, shame, justice, grief and complicity. We discussed the issue of whether a 12 year old is responsible for the dreadful events going on over the fence and Gretels role in the death of her brother whose name she wouldnt say because of fear of breaking down.
Most members loved it, and felt that it was thought-provoking. One especially appreciated how well the male writer had portrayed an old woman.
We all enjoyed this one, thanks.
Everyone enjoyed the book, enjoyed the fact that it was a sequel to 'The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas' albeit many years later. Gretel was a complex, manipulative woman who obviously struggled to "move on" from her past life.
Everyone loved this book and found the plot's twists and turns masterly and riveting. Several group members have read it twice and found it even better, 2nd time around. Great discussion and highly recommended.
Well written, gripping story, set in interesting places and at interesting times.
A fabulous book. Beautifully written.
Good discussion. Some people found it a bit slow to start but some couldn't put it down.
Loved reading this novel. Great discussion on the guilt carried by an individual, and the pain they felt.
Our group found the book 'compelling', very readable, and with lots of twists and surprises.
An unforgettable book, enjoyed by our whole group. It was a journey through history and emotion which provoked much discussion - from early Jewish history, today's Israel/Gaza turmoil as well as the personal legacy of living with past actions. Best book this year.
Loved it, everything beautifully tied in together, keep thinking about it. Generated lots of interesting discussion.
Scores between 4 and 5. Thought-provoking and gripping, with an unexpected twist. Engaging and well-written.