Cleaner, The
Cleave, PaulJoe is in control of everything in his simple life, including both his day job at the police department and his 'night work'. He is not bothered by news reports of the Christchurch Carver, who, they say, has murdered seven women; for Joe knows the Carver only killed six. Joe knows that for a fact, and he is going to find the copy-cat killer. He is going to punish him for the one murder, then frame him for the other six. NZ Interest. [Larger font]
Comments from Groups
As a group some didn't want to finish it. On the other hand some couldn't put it down. The discussion was very worthwhile in that we were able to get more from [the book]. Christchurch 078 Intirguing book, cleverly written - a little too graphic for some of our members to read. Ohaupo 001 A genre new to some of us and we surprised ourselves how much we enjoyed it. More spooky for those familiar with Christchurch. Nelson 027 Divided opinion. Appreciated the humour. Disturbing for some, simplistic for others. Very readable, although some found it a little long-winded. Christchurch 220 Group consensus was positive. Loved the narration style and the familiar setting. Christchurch 253 Despite the disturbing content, it really kept the reader interested and wanting to find out what happened 'in the end'. A compelling read! Whanganui 009 For most this book was a different experience. Very well written with great control of the material, and an interesting study of a serial killer's mind. Hamilton 003
Mind blowing, super disturbing but also couldn't put it down.
The group thought this was well-written but divided on how plausible the story was. Some felt the story was a tad contrived, others thought the writer had used his imagination very effectively.
Took us all out of our comfort zone. Well-written, but the ending seemed rushed ie: author didn't quite know how to end it so wound it up.
Not the most popular topic but extremely well-written, and enjoyed by the majority of the group. Intelligently written.
Oh my goodness, it was so gruesome, but still a good page-turner. A few good twists to the plot that were humorous and enjoyable. What a hideous character!!! We had a good discussion, and that's what it's all about.
An easy, entertaining read that we all enjoyed. A clever mix of humour that developed the character in a creative way. A well-written novel that tied all the events together at the end. This book caused a lot of discussion.
Most people found the references to Christchurch interesting....the 'dark underbelly'. We found the content a touch disturbing, but not as graphic as a Jo Nesbo novel. Would be interested to read his next novel.
A controversial book in that some loved it and some hated it. It's a very different crime novel in that it is written in the first person, and that person is the killer.
No-one in our group had ever read one of crime writer Paul Cleave's novels before. All finished it but not all would read another one of his books. We had a good discussion about the motives for the murderer's behaviour, the interaction between the characters, also the unexpected touches of humour. The fact that the book was set in Christchurch was of some interest too.
Disturbing but compelling read. Many of our group could not finish it. Well-written.
First perspective was deftly handled. Dark humour lifts the gruesome subject matter. Very plausible, intriguing, and addictive. Well-written and provided great discussion.
An uncomfortable read at times, told from an unusual perspective. The 'dark side' of Christchurch; the interplay with his personality was strangely fascinating!
We enjoyed this book. It was an interesting perspective from the narcissistic main character, and being set in Christchurch made it relevant.
This book generated huge animated discussion. Many didn't enjoy it (or even finish it), but we all agreed it was great to move outside our comfort zone.
Dark, challenging, vivid and graphic. Easy to read. Wonderfully written with dark humour.
Intense - we couldn't put it down!
The whole group thought this was a worthwhile thriller read. The main characters were well developed, and the story told from the killer's perspective was unusual. He acted as if no rules applied to him, and was oblivious to the possibility of being caught - despite flirting with discovery by copying the detectives' notes and reading their material. Good to see a N.Z novel in this genre.
This book generated the most discussion we have ever had!
Provided a good discussion, can't say everyone liked the book, but it a was different perspective. Excellent depictions of Chch - a member who grew up in Chch could visualise the Mum's house in Sth. Brighton, the Manchester St Strip, and the now demolished Police HQ.
Loved it!
This story was enjoyed by all, especially those that like a good crime/thriller. It was a bonus that it was a New Zealand book, with references to Christchurch drawing discussion.