Austen, JaneClassical novel on "the frequent disconnections between an individual's inner life and the smooth world of manners". Emma is a study of self-deceit and self-discovery. [Small font]
Comments from Groups
This book was enjoyed by most members. The language used, the characterisations and plot sets it up as a classic. One or two people thought the lengthy descriptions and dialogue was a sign of the time in which it was written. Waikanae 001 A very good insight into the manners and social moves of the time. Certainly had humour and satire! Christchurch 001 A delight to read "later in life" as opposed to secondary school! Timeless appeal. Discusssion stretched to include Austen's other novels. Te Uri 001 Really enjoyed a re-read of this classic book. Appreciated Austen's skills as a writer including her attention to detail. Wellington 130
A successful "social" document - half the group were enthusiastic, half weren't, and 2 didn't finish it.
Quite a "culture shock" to remember how things used to be when women "knew their place", and had little to do but gossip and match-make. We found the actual reading rather difficult, but enjoyed the comparison with modern life and modern novels. Several members are keen to read more Jane Austen.
'Emma' was enjoyed, but members found it took much longer than expected to read; most had read it years ago and expected to fly through it. The craftsmanship was much admired, and the domestic and 'society' niceties marvelled at.
Only half read Emma, but those that did enjoyed the dry wit of Jane Austen, and loved the language used. Some listened on 'Audible' instead.
Everyone thoroughly enjoyed this book. Provoked a great discussion about the characters, period setting and Jane Austen.
An interesting discussion. Some members found the language difficult and obscure. Generally we felt that Emma was not as easy to read as other Jane Austen novels. Questions were quite good, an interesting discussion followed most of them. Very divergent views expressed - younger members ie. under 40, had less good to say about the book.
Great meeting this month. Lots of interesting discussion. Quite a division among members on the character.
As with Pride and Prejudice which we read earlier this year, some read with great delight for the language and Jane Austen's perception of the social scene. Others gave up very early as they found the triviality of the lives of the characters irritating.
Those who completed the book enjoyed it!
There were two diametrically opposed views which were not reconciled in the discussion.
1. Jane Austen is a brilliant and perceptive writer who nails early 19C society with wit, irony and righteous anger.
a five star rating
2. The characters lead trivial lives, they don't do anything except gossip. Why write about them.
a one star rating
1. Jane Austen is a brilliant and perceptive writer who nails early 19C society with wit, irony and righteous anger.
a five star rating
2. The characters lead trivial lives, they don't do anything except gossip. Why write about them.
a one star rating