First Love

Turgenev, Ivan

  7 Reviews

A novella translated from the Russian. Turgenev describes a young boy's growth as he is awakened to the complicated nature of adult love. New Penguin Classics edition.

Comments from Groups

All members enjoyed the book. Even though a small book we had a thoughtful discussion. Auckland 178

Fabulous translation. Appealing memoir reflecting back on teenage years we could all relate to. This book was popular with the whole group. Timaru 013

Quite a stimulating and lively discussion. Dannevirke

The group enjoyed this book - then followed much discussion on the state of women in the revolution of USSR society and the forces that led up to the revolution. Raumati

Though not all members enjoyed the book, it provided a basis for a very stimulating discussion. We found it profoundly disturbing. Auckland 238



CHCH 099
I can't say we found this book a great read or one that leaves an impression. However we all agreed the notes were great. We had sympathy for the young man Vladimir who had to find out the ways of the world and love, without any parental input whatsoever.
MAST 004
Important to omit reading the prologue before reading the book. It is not well done and gives the entire plot away, so reading the actual book becomes pointless.
HAVE 003
Good discussion ensued. A classic love story, could apply to any era. Perhaps the story lost something in translation.
"Oh what I could not have done, if only I had not wasted my time" was our favourite quote. Very interesting discussion. Not as simple as it looked.
AUCK 199
Very well received by all.
AUCK 172
Lukewarm response. Most found it dated although enjoyed the accuracy of a first love of a teenage boy.
WELL 001
We all enjoyed this book. The structure was clever ( story written within a story, so an older man looking back to his youth), and it read well. We didn't find much to discuss.