Fountains of Silence, The
Supetys, RutaDaniel Matheson, the son of a Texan oil tycoon, and Ana Moreno come from very different worlds. When Daniel visits Madrid with his father who is drumming up business with the fascist regime, Ana is their hotel attendant, a young woman whose family have been devastated by the Civil War and its fallout. Daniel's passion is photography and it is through the images he captures that he comes face to face with the realities of General Franco's reign.
Both a love story and a mystery involving orphaned children, this is a compelling story of the havoc wreaked by the fear and oppression of 1950's Spain, well supported by cited primary sources. [Small font]
Nearly all group members loved this book and everyone certainly enjoyed it. A couple of members felt the end had a Mills and Boon feel to it. We all learnt so much about Spain and the Franco era and many researched further. Some group members had visited Spain decades ago and some of their memories were reflected in the book's descriptions of the dictatorship. We had a very interesting, informative discussion.
Everybody loved this book - so many different levels, and the background of the Spanish Civil War and Franco's regime. So interesting, spellbinding and thought-provoking. Lots of discussion on the story and the "keeping of secrets".
Great fictional history. Most were enlightened by Franco's reign into the 1970s. A bit 'Mills & Boon' at times. Could see the appeal to younger readers.