Love in a Cold Climate and Other Novels
Mitford, NancyAlso contains The Pursuit of Love. A delicious exposure of the English upper crust. Aristocratic England in its full decadence. [Small font]
Comments from Groups
Nearly everyone enjoyed the book, and thought it was witty, amusing and well written. Great use of the English language , and some insights into the difference between the English and the French. The only problem for some was the small print. Wanaka 012 There were quite contrasting attitudes to these books. Because of my age (nearly 80), the life of aristocratic society was accepted as frivolous when I was young, and I was intrigued to read that this really was so. Also that Nancy Mitford showed it to us in such a readable and satirical way. The young members however were appalled at the life they led. It made for good discussion. Palmerston North 004 The group enjoyed this book very much. We liked the informal writing and her observations of the lifestyle of the upper class. The characters were well described, and their eccentricities provided comic incidents that reflect the author's sense of humour. Auckland 105 We had to work hard to read it all, but those who persevered enjoyed the character development, appreciated the writing and language and wit of the author. The small print was off-putting for those who are trying to avoid the inevitable glasses! Nelson 020 We thoroughly enjoyed the delicious cattiness of these novels and the upper class humour, as well as recognising the nastiness on occasions. Dunedin 058 We were all greatly charmed by the writing , and had an endless discussion on the over-the-top and larger than life characters. We felt their behaviours were a result of the times, but also the circumstance of being idle and rich! We greatly enjoyed them both. Wellington 060
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