Madame Bovary

Flaubert, Gustave

  0 Reviews

Describes the fall of Emma Bovary into adultery, debt, and eventual death. Classic of World Literature.

Comments from Groups

Our group enjoyed this book. It has a timeless quality. The main character - a feckless, self-indulgent young woman could be found as easily today. Lower Hutt 004

This generated lots of discussion. Reading this book as teenagers we felt sorry for Madame Bovary. This time round in our 40s and 50s we were less sympathetic. We felt she was irresponsible, although we were very aware how much a victim of her time she was. We enjoyed it hugely from the social commentary aspect. Auckland 133

We enjoyed this book with its great descriptions of French life -very funny at times. We also thought Madame Bovary should have got herself a job - we all wanted to slap her!! Nelson 021

We didn't all finish this one. We felt that it was probably a reasonable picture of 19th century French provincial life but it was rather detailed. Ashburton 005

This book generated a great deal of discussion. A number found it tedious and difficult to read, but appreciated that the language and descriptions were wonderful... Auckland 307



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