Measure, The

Erlick, Nikki

  6 Reviews

Out of the blue, the age-old question, 'how long is a piece of string?', suddenly matters to every adult on the planet. Arriving on every doorstep of anyone 22 or older is a small box containing a length of string and engraved with the words, 'The measure of your life lies within'. These mysterious revelations grip the world affecting every facet of life from the mundane to those wielding power. What does it mean to know how your days are numbered, or those of the people you love?

Thought-provoking and moving, this intriguing story follows seemingly unconnected characters as they grapple with their mortality and how to live their lives, regardless of their length.



AUCK 276
Loved it. Great read. Created good discussion.
ROTO 002
Certainly thought provoking. Credible, mostly likeable characters displaying understandable response to their 'string'. Each of us could identify as at least one character. Great discussion covering personal response, political response, prejudice, the human response etc.etc. Good discussion questions.
NGON 002
Most of us really enjoyed the book, though one thought it silly and didn't finish it. Regardless, much discussion was generated particularly around whether we would open the box and why.
We all loved this book and got so much out of it. We think it's worth re-reading and doing so at different stages of life to get different things from it. Many meaningful quotes were shared. It generated lots of discussion and thought provoking comments around life and death.
CHCH 312
This light 'sci-fi' book generated interesting discussion around what we would do in that situation ( to look or not) and what decisions would flow on from that. Interesting characters and an easy read.
AUCK 069
Excellent discussion from this book. Great concept as a way of looking at life, and what is or isn't important.