Room with a View, A

Forster E.M.

  7 Reviews

A classic tale of romantic intrigue. A charming young English woman, Lucy Honeychurch, finds her "undeveloped heart is awakened by her experiences in Italy, and by her encounter with the unconventional George Emerson".

Comments from Groups

Excellent discussion as most of us have read EM Forster's other novels and enjoyed his writing. A good choice. Wellington 006

Most enjoyed the book. Fun discussion about English Victorian middle class ways! Auckland 107

Loved the book - story had not dated but the language and customs have changed so much in 100 years. A good read. Christchurch 024

Very witty and cleverly constructed. Dunedin 029

Mixed reactions - either enjoyed the book or didn't finish. Felt we could almost pick the place of between his two sessions of writing this book. Macraes Flat 001

Thought the characters delightful. We enjoyed the humour which showed up the social snobbery and class system of the times. Lower Hutt 008



Most of us enjoyed it - particularly its humour. Some thought it was very dated.
ASHH 001
The group was divided - some found the Edwardian writing style too "wordy" and struggled to get into it, while others loved it.
RAUM 004
Most of the group found it hard to get into, but those of us who read the notes first knew the nuances to look out for. The notes were really very good. We get far more discussion from a book some like and others dislike - very stimulating.
AUCK 194
Most enjoyed the book. Very interesting discussion about social behaviour.
NAP 005
We enjoyed the old-fashioned clever style of this book, and played the DVD at the meeting. It was fun picking out the differences between the book and the movie.
AUCK 192
We loved it - very amusing and a lot of laughs! Thanks so much.
Nobody liked this book, only 6 out of 10 finished reading it. Long winded, unlikeable characters and too boring. However, we had a great discussion re women's lib, jobs and mothers and our roles in society. One of our better discussions actually - and we are all pleased to have read a book by Forster!