Second Child, The
Bond, CarolineFor the Rudak household - parents Sarah and Phil and children James and Lauren - a diagnosis that Lauren will be severely disabled is life-changing enough, but over the years, they adjust and manage. That is, until another discovery, so innocently revealed by a blood test, rocks the very foundation of their family.
With its impossible choices and disquieting revelations, this gripping drama sensitively explores the complex bonds that create and sustain a family.
Well-written. Everyone had a say, and thought it an enjoyable read. The middle was a bit drawn out. All thought the ending was a good decision.
An enjoyable read that prompted a good debate about what we would do as parents in their shoes.
This novel was well received by most members. Most found it a quick, relatively easy read even though the content matter was confronting. We had a great discussion.
We had some very interesting discussion on morals and right and wrong. Most of us ripped through it and couldn't put it down, a couple of people didn't read it because they didn't have time or didn't like it after a couple of chapters.
We all enjoyed 'The Second Child' in our book club. The storyline was compelling and the characters felt authentic. It prompted great discussion.
Most found it easy to read, although not an 'easy' read. We liked the writing style, and the difficult subject matter. Good discussion.
A very interesting read, lots to think about. What would you do
Very compelling story. Well-written story of an impossible dilemma for the families. The ending was as unexpected as it was sudden.
As medical laboratory scientists, we found this book a bit farfetched in some places, but recognised that this kind of situation can, and probably does, happen. Easy read, moves along well.
We didn't necessarily love the book, but the themes of nature vs nurture, and genetic testing, got us talking.
We all thoroughly enjoyed this book. There was a lively discussion relating to all aspects of the story. There was some scepticism regarding Sarahs failure to see that the baby she was taking home was not the one born to her. We thought the book was extremely well-written. The author had so much insight into Laurens condition when of course her own child was born with it. Very thought-provoking.
Voted by all as a great read - believable characters, beautifully written and extremely thought-provoking.
The abrupt ending left it open for a soul searching night of discussion. Probably one of our best meetings. We all agreed it was well-written and definitely thought provoking.
We could all relate to the upheaval that the story uncovered and the devastating effect it had on the families involved.
Our group thoroughly enjoyed this book.
All members found the book extremely riveting - a good look at another life journey.
Book was enjoyed by all members. An easy read.
Fascinating and terrible. So well told. Agreement on high score.
All our group LOVED this book, which is a rarity. What a dilemma for both families and this led to a great discussion as to what we would do in this situation. An amazing debut novel, and we'll all be looking for further books from this author.
Everyone enjoyed this book. Very easy to read and engage with.
Enjoyed by all the group. This well-written, insightful story promoted a lively discussion. The twist in the story was commented on by all and particularly the ending, which led to some speculation on the outcome. Recommended.
An excellent read, well-written and enjoyed by all.
Everyone enjoyed reading this book. Lots of discussion, and we wondered if there would be another book to follow. Liked reading about the different points of view; no one predicted the outcome.
A very good read, well-written, much to discuss - what would you do confronted with such a situation
We all read it - great discussion especially around the ending and lying to her husband. We even kept talking about it in the car on the way home! It was very thought provoking, easy to read and some interesting characters. Hard to imagine how you would cope if that situation happened to you. So, yes good book!
Enjoyed the topic, but felt frustrated with the characters and the ending.
Believable, easy to read writing style.
All human weaknesses and feelings are revealed in this unforgettable story. But the outcome shows human kindness and understanding in the character of the leading mother (Sarah). A great read and very thought-provoking.
Easy read. We were quite emotional at times when putting ourselves in various members' shoes. As most are parents, we had a discussion on how we would feel if we had a disabled child.
Much discussion evolved. Thought provoking and a good read.
Lots of good discussion. We felt the story was flawed by the fact that no-one noticed the defects in Lauren's hands. We discussed real life examples of this situation, and discussed how we would react if it were us. Good characterisation. We felt Anne was the loser - in many ways a victim.
A thought provoking read. The writing style helped a lot with the group's discussion as we spent quite a time talking about the different characters.