What Could Be Saved
Schwarz, Liese O'HalloranThe Preston family's stint in Bangkok ends abruptly in 1972 when they return home to the States after eight-year-old Philip disappears. For parents Robert and Genevieve, and sisters Beatrice and Laura, life can never be the same again. When Philip resurfaces forty-seven years later, there are many questions to be answered and secrets to be divulged.
Suspenseful and enthralling, this story examines what follows when the worst has happened, made memorable by its sensitive portrayal of the power and complexity of sibling connection. [Small font]
All agreed this was a great read.
Enjoyed by most of the group even if it was a somewhat disturbing read!
For some reason, although this book enthralled us and posed 'what would you do' questions tempered by times and places, most of us were unsettled and ready to put it down.
Most really enjoyed it. One person found it difficult.
Wonderful story of family issues. Most of the group enjoyed the fast moving character traits. Overall a great read.
All our group read and loved this book. gave us lots of discussion. Some found it quite confronting but felt the storyline flowed really well.
Good discussion. Everyone liked it.
Book was well received by all our readers. Kept most of us on our seats to see what happened to the boy when he was kidnapped. Amazing twist at the end that we never saw coming!
A very interesting book. Many twists and turns. It made us think.
Our group found this was a polarising book: some thought it was very interesting while others just did not like it at all. Philip's fate was sad and tragic after being kidnapped - almost impossible to return to a normal life.
A very intensively researched book - not short on detail! Most of the group enjoyed her writing style and thought the characters true and believable. A page turner - one of the group did not like the book. The rest gave it 4/5.
Some found it slow going at first but all got engrossed. Lots of discussion on storyline in Thailand, treatment and opinions of Thai people by ex-pats. Most had guessed the childs fate and all glad there was not too much graphic detail. Felt settings and characters were very well-written. Some found the sisters and parents unlikeable and therefore hard to feel for. The character dynamics were in the main well built up and all came together well by the end. 6 out of 8 really enjoyed it.
Mostly enjoyed - conversations about expat life, raising children offshore - the different lifestyle, and the kidnapping of children in these countries.
9 out of 10 people enjoyed this book, and 4 couldn't put it down.