Winter in Madrid
Sansom, CJSeptember 1940, the Spanish Civil War is over and Madrid lies in ruins while the Germans continue their march through Europe. Into this uncertain world comes Harry Brett, a privileged young man, traumatised by his experience in Dunkirk, and now a reluctant spy for the British Secret Service. He is sent to gain the confidence of Sandy Forsyth, an old school friend turned shadowy Madrid businessman and Brett finds himself surrounded by memories and involved in a dangerous game. [Big read]
Comments from Groups
A wonderful book which we all thoroughly enjoyed. Historically fascinating and most interesting, encouraging us all to delve more into Spain's history of the last century. The interweaving of the main characters, we found excellent. Thoroughly recommended. Wellington 041 Some loved the book - others couldn't get into it. Those that finished found ending sad and a bit depressing.... Nelson 028 Most of our group really enjoyed this book even those who would not usually read a spy story. However, some felt disappointed with the ending. All agreed a happy ending would not have fitted with real life! Palmerston North 001 Discussion was lively. Some found the book very entertaining, touching, and catching interest. Others thought the historical part very good but characters were not developed. The concensus was that everyone learned about Spanish history during this period. Motueka 001 MIxed reaction to this book. Most enjoyed it as a 'good read' with little criticism. Some found it too long .....and were critical of particularly the women characters. All appreciated the historical background of the Spanish civil war.... Diamond Harbour 001
There was a mixed reaction to this book. Some found it intriguing all the way through, while others couldn't be bothered finishing it. Continuous mention of the different factions in Spain's political struggle confused many of us, although that didn't really matter too much in the scheme of things. It was not a totally happy ending and the final scene leaves a few questions unanswered.
We enjoyed the historical content but found the book too long, and the style not always holding our attention.
Mixed reactions from our group but we learned so much.
This is a book about betrayal on all levels and it generated great discussion. However, although thoroughly enjoyed by most, some found it too verbose, and the historical facts not clearly described for those who like to learn as they read.
Sustained "tension throughout" the long book (small print a deterrent for some) but the characters were amazingly fleshed out. We all felt the book would readily transition to a movie or has it already Also gave us great insight into the "political" upheavals in Spain and neighbouring nations following the Spanish Civil War - so many factions at play.
A mixed reaction but all agreed on a better understanding of the Spanish Civil War and all its complexities. Repercussions are still being felt in Spain today.
Dark and bleak though beautifully written.
A bit like a Masters thesis with a few characters to make it a novel - still good though.
Those of us who read the book enjoyed it. A surprisingly subdued ending though. Well-written for historical value.
'Winter in Madrid' is an adroit mix of historical, thriller and love story set in Madrid just after the Spanish civil war. Our members, without exception, enjoyed this novel, particularly the vivid depiction of wartime Spain which was not familiar to any of us.
Our group were initially interested from an historical point of view. However we felt the story was too long and drawn out, with unnecessary Public school background which linked the male characters. Most of us read it and were engaged to a degree. We found the historical notes in the back excellent.
Plenty of discussion. It stimulated interest in all things Spanish and the situation after the Civil war. The sub plot traces the 3 characters from schoolboys at a boarding school to post WWII.
We all enjoyed reading this spy yarn, especially enjoying the setting in Spain.
The book prompted lots of discussion about the Spanish Civil War and we would have found it useful to have background information about the different factions. Most members liked the book but found it depressing at the end.