Dogside Story
Grace, PatriciaThe rivalry of two sisters, Ngarua and Maraenohonoho, leads to the division of their community. The communities then become "Godside" (known for its piety and properness) and "Dogside" (forever wayward). For Grace, this is a shift in writing, focusing more on the internal struggles of Maoridom. NZ Interest. Winner Kiriyama Pacific Rim Prize for Fiction, 2001.
This title is also offered as part of the Narrative Muse Book Club.
Comments from Groups
A bit confusing keeping track of characters, times and places. Some wonderful language and imagery. Auckland 171Everyone enjoyed Christchurch 201Patricia Grace came to our meeting for the discussion of this book!! This was a challenging story for many of the group. Two of us who have worked with Maori understood / recognised the framework of the story! But it confronted our notion that we "knew about Maori". Wellington 104Clever title and book contains some beautiful evocative passages. Several members found the "Maori English" difficult. Auckland 016We all liked the book and discussion was fairly wide ranging - as a picture of a particular way of life it was fascinating. Dunedin 002
Overall, the group enjoyed the book, but there were quite mixed interpretations. Many of us found the multitude of characters somewhat confusing. We thought the female characters were quite strongly drawn, far more so than most of the males, although the character of Te Rua grew in strength. Others found parts of Patricia Grace's writing (particularly when describing Rua in the water) as absolutely beautiful and lyrical. We liked the resolution to the story, and the recognition that legality doesn't make for justice.
The group was very divided. Some found the book very difficult to read because of the colloquialisms, while others loved the humour etc.
Very animated discussion. Book unanimously enjoyed.
Good book, although perhaps too many ideas and thoughts thrown in, which made it hard to hold it together.
We had a stimulating meeting with varying opinions, but all pleased to have read the book.
A wonderful New Zealand story.
Grace creates a wonderful sense of place, and weaves the different strands of the stories together beautifully.
All enjoyed this book. Some were new to Patricia Grace and would seek out more of her work. A summary of characters would have helped some. The rich depiction of Maori life and culture in this particular novel was appreciated.