Eddy, Eddy

De Goldi, Kate

  17 Reviews

Welcome to a year in the life of Eddy Smallbone, orphan, checkout operator, nanny and pet minder. Navigating the earthquake-disturbed streets of Christchurch, Eddy, on the cusp of adulthood, has plenty to keep him busy while he wrestles with the big questions of life.

With a nod to Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol, this moving coming-of-age story is written with empathy and warmth, and is populated with quirky characters, both human and animal. [Larger font]



AUCK 399
This book was cleverly written, humorous and also sad at times.
AUCK 150
An interesting discussion arose from this book - most started off not enjoying but once we were used to the quirky way of writing, we thoroughly enjoyed the characters and book.
RICH 009
Group had opposite views. Many thought it was the BEST book and had read it twice to savour the language/characters/themes. Others found it confusing at the start and difficult to "get into".
CHCH 585
We all found it hard to get into, even up to one third of the way through. Two people chose not to read it and several struggled through. However, a couple of people enjoyed it and gave it a high rating!
THAM 002
Loved 'Eddy, Eddy'. Wonderful writing style and great picture of post-quake Christchurch.
AUCK 171
No-one in our group disliked this book - we all enjoyed it although we did feel bombarded by all the colourful characters, and all the references to Catholicism and a Christmas card. We all enjoyed Eddy, but we do remain confused over the timeline of all his traumas and tragedies.
Several people absolutely loved Eddy's development and the quirky characters. Others did not like the beginning as it darted around the place and felt convoluted. All but one of us was encouraged to keep going and then enjoyed it.
Divisive! The notes were excellent, explained a lot. Majority of the group were not enamored, finding story disjointed and the language overengineered. Minority thoroughly enjoyed it, the mildly eccentric characters and family bonds.
CHCH 179
It is a beautifully written, wonderful story. We particularly enjoyed the wordplay; local post-quake Christchurch setting; quirky, real multi-layered characters; the humour and well crafted storyline. A fabulous read!
We loved the characters, storyline and slow build up to change of pace after climax in this story. Our ESOL member struggled with the language and some of us kept our dictionary close at hand to extend our vocabulary, while others let the new big words wash over us and let the story flow.
The setting - post earthquake Christchurch - adds depth to this very engaging and beautifully crafted story.
CHCH 125
Not so popular with the group - some felt the author tried too hard to over complicate the language. Local references to Christchurch interesting.
WELL 238
Overall the group really enjoyed this book and it prompted a good discussion. Most members felt it was slow to start but couldn't put it down by the end. The group felt it was well-written and tackled/covered issues of emotional awareness in men, male mental health and the various forms 'family' can take - all with graceful tact.
A good story that helps to share the experience of living in the cleanup after the earthquake with a unique found family of people and animals. The challenging vocabulary made many of us read with a device nearby to look up words. The characters were well drawn but to some of us always felt like characters rather than fully formed people. One in our group felt Boo seemed old beyond her years, but many of us recognised her in people we have known.
METH 001
Group had mixed opinions on the rating. Some felt it was a bit wordy. Characters were well-written and described.
CHCH 481
Divisive in our group with scores ranging from 3-5. Loved the Christchurch setting and quirky characters. Some thought too many characters.
This stimulated the most discussion of any book the group has tackled. So many stories of Christchurch arose from Eddie's adventures.