Landed [NZ]

McCauley, Sue

  0 Reviews

Instead of the comfortable retirement she should have been able to take for granted, Briar Howland is catapulted into unknown territory with the suicide of her husband Brewer and the eye-watering debt he leaves in his wake. Briar must fashion a new future for herself in a time of social and political upheaval.

Set in Timaru, this is the character study of an unforgettable woman, her children and grandchildren in rapidly changing 1980s New Zealand.

Comments from BDS Reviewers

"An excellent portrayal of life in New Zealand at a time of change, and the effects on 'ordinary people'."

"I found this a most enjoyable read and there's lots to discuss."

"There's good familiarity with the NZ setting, the characters are realistic and Briar isn't the helpless 'victim'."

"It's easy to read and brings in a few social issues to be discussed, eg casual racism, honesty and ethics."

"The characters, seen through Briar's eyes, are all well-defined and very real."

"Briar's thoughts, worries, hopes, self-explanations for her actions and their consequences, combine to make this book very readable and easy to relate to."

"I think many will relate well to this story - how many of us have had to cope with the death of a spouse or parent and been forced to adapt in order to carry on?"



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