Remember Me

Hansen, Derek

  13 Reviews

When a 12-year old boy writes an essay and inadvertently uncovers a wartime secret, he unleashes a chain of events which rips a close community apart, turning neighbour against neighbour, friend against friend. It is Auckland 1956. While the country has been spared the destruction which ravaged Europe and Asia, beneath the surface bitter memories and old enmities run deep. The war may be over but, as the boy discovers, it is far from done with. [Taken from book cover.] NZ Interest.

Comments from Groups

Hansen must have done a very fine job of creating a picture of life in New Zeland in the early 1950's as we had a very enjoyable discussion of this period, comparing it to the way people live now.... Hamilton 029

We really enjoyed this book - the picture of family back then: how simple it was and yet how narrow and prejudiced the views were. Auckland 226

All the group[ enjoyed the book. Some felt the middle of the story "fell away" but picked up later. Leithfield 001

Everyone enjoyed this book as familiar living circumstances and the awareness of post-war society. It was an easy book to read. Christchurch 094

What a great read! Everyone liked this book very much. A well researched, realisitic story with wonderful characters. The story unfolds in a lovely gentle way that captures the mood of the 1950's. We will look for other stories by the same author. Tauranga 015



NELS 040
Everyone loved this book. Derek Hansen is a great storyteller.
AUCK 280
Our group unanimously enjoyed this read. Everyone felt the characters were so real, and we found ourselves identifying types of people and events from our own childhoods. The after effects of war on generations to follow became a lively discussion, as did the inherited social, racial and economic biases.
Enjoyed by all. Everyone liked the style, and the subject evoked many memories.
HAVE 012
Our group really enjoyed this, and are now keen to read more of Derek Hansen's books. A very accurate and perceptive account of life in 1950-s N.Z. We '60 somethings' really related to it! He was very adept at 'weaving' his childhood into the story.
RAUM 005
We all enjoyed this book although a couple thought it got a bit 'Boys' Annual' in parts! It's a pity about the choice of cover image and the way the blurb is written on the back, as it would actually make great 'Young Adults' fiction, especially for boys.
AUCK 199
For Aucklanders it was a trip down memory lane - quite captivating. Some thought it a bit lightweight, but on the other hand there was a lot to talk about regarding the insular attitudes of NZers at the time, and, indeed in some cases, now.
NELS 090
Upbeat story with undercurrents of darkness - polarisation in society, human distrust and judgement of outsiders etc). Great descriptive language and a very enjoyable read. Deep and insightful reflection on social codes of the time.
TWIZ 003
Everyone that read it loved it, and related to it.
This book didn't engage the group particularly. The writing was too slick, and most didn't find it very interesting. It did generate discussion from the questions provided.
NELS 050
Great read, wished it was a true story.
WARK 005
Everyone liked this book - even those of us not born and raised in N.Z.
Everyone enjoyed this book, brought back many childhood memories for some. Loved the writing.
WARK 005
Everyone liked this book - even those of us not born and raised in NZ.