Talking About O'Dwyer
Stead, C.K.A soldier of the Maori Battalion in World War II-Crete, is killed in action. A makutu curse is placed on Officer Donovan O'Dwyer by the dead soldier's family, and he lives under its spell for half of his life. NZ Interest.
Comments from Groups
Unanimous enthusiasm for the book. A terrific read, gripping, evocative writing and informative... People keen to read more CK Stead and about the Maori Battalion. Gisborne 005 [The book] was of a high standard and well crafted, and the fact that he is an academic came through - perhaps putting off readers previously... Were pleasantly surprised. Auckland 094 All found it entertaining and a few want to get more of CK Stead. Geraldine 003 The book drew the best discussion we have had for some time because of the timing of ANZAC Day. Also that it was an NZ author and the references to NZ drew comment. Wellington 058 The story was fascinating as well as the lovely descriptions of place - Auckland, Oxford and Crete, evoked these cities and the island superbly. Dunedin 002 Good discussion and generally agreed was well written. Surprising that this group of avid readers had never read anything written by this NZ author before but all determined to read more now. Invercargill 002
Everyone enjoyed it.
All enjoyed the book with some minor reservations. Some thought the beginning was a bit weak and the encounter with Ira included for titillation but otherwise a good read, evoking the atmosphere of 50s Auckland well...
A very good read.
We all enjoyed the book and the interesting discussion that followed. This novel brought back lots personal memories for our Group.
Most enjoyed the book. Stimulated good discussion about the futility of war.
We all found the story most interesting and would recommend it.
All enjoyed this experience - appreciating Stead's style. Discussion was stimulating - the subplot was explored with interest. We gained insight and understanding, and our views were challenged.
Enjoyable, but we experienced a little disappointment with the end as it seemed a little contrived. Our group discussed at length the locations mentioned as many were familiar, this contributed to the overall enjoyment of the story. We felt this story would encourage us to read more N.Z. literature.
A really hard read. Only two members of our group finished it. A hard style of writing to read, but what an interesting story!
We all enjoyed the book very much.
Everyone found the multi-theme story informative and read-worthy. For many it was the first of Stead's books they had read. We appreciated the opportunity and the homely "home based" story. All felt a little wiser for reading it.
Well worth the read. Very descriptive, although the ending was a little tentative.
Generally very well received. We discussed how much depth there was and how well all the themes and layers knitted together. There was a good discussion on war and the novel's handling of it, also the Zen perspective. Many in the group said that they would like to re-read the book, especially as the discussion revealed so many different points of view.
This provoked much discussion about males and females enjoying different language styles. The political context was super interesting. A great insight.