Winter Time [NZ]

Fearnley, Laurence

  1 Reviews

Following the death of his younger brother Eddie, Roland March returns to their family home in the heart of the Mackenzie country to act as the executor of Eddie's will.

Befitting the sorrow of the occasion, it is cold, cold, cold and for Roland fresh from his 'wholefood and health store life' in Sydney, it's as if nothing has changed. Once again there is plenty that needs explaining and once again he is at odds with the people around him.

Wonderfully evocative and only to be read when rugged up, this is an intriguing story with a setting worthy of its superbly-drawn characters.



AUCK 256
This book is full of memories of growing up - the family, friendships or lack of, belonging or not belonging (being gay), suspicions, mysteries and weird neighbours all set within the vividly described landscape of the McKenzie Country. It was a well written book but not enjoyed by all.