A proponent of secular ethics, His Holiness the Dalai Lama argues that for a sustainable world future, in both personal and global realms, compassion must be melded with reason and applied independently of religious beliefs.
Supported by a wide-ranging reflection on the state of the world, the latest scientific knowledge and engaging examples and analogies, this work offers much food for thought whether you consider yourself a seasoned
philosopher or this is your first foray into the subject. Easy to read,
plenty to discuss.
A thought-provoking book, simply and convincingly expressed. Great discussion ensued - wide-ranging and affirmative. Akaroa 005
Very thought-provoking book. Everyone related to the basic tenets of this book. These tenets made us question whether our own values were aligned. Tauranga 016
A slow read, but stimulated thought and discussion. We all liked the Dalai Lama's assessment of ethics but how to spread these values in our communities? Nelson 062
Delightful book - you would have to be a very grumpy person not to like the Dalai Lama. Nelson 002
Terrific book - inspired us all! Hamilton 007
There were a mixture of views. It was felt by some that he presented important issues in a simple way, others were a bit bored with the writing style. Some felt that there was a distance from him, rather than his being 'present' in the book. Auckland 230
CHCH 494
Lots of thoughtful discussion.
AUCK 100
There was a range of feedback from the group. Some found the book repetitive, some didn't finish it, and others felt it was an important book for looking to the future on how we can live peacefully and respectfully together.
TURA 003
Excellent discussion.
AUCK 355
Mixed comments from our group around this read. Some really enjoyed, others wanted more than what was written. If the entire population of the world could follow these wise words then the world would be a different place.
We all felt that this book is a "must" read for every person. Best discussion we have had in 5 years with insights into each other's thoughts, fears and beliefs.
The majority of the group really enjoyed and connected with a lot of what the Dalai Lama said - it resonated equally well with those who have a religious belief and those who don't, and gave us all food for thought in our own lives.
The group had a very interesting discussion around values education in schools and whether it could be assumed that people inherently knew the difference between right and wrong. In terms of the book, a few members enjoyed the book while others thought it more like a textbook and not a book for a book group. The book really needed to be used as a basis for making life changes, and the section on meditation would not be able to be used within a month. However everyone was interested in his writing.
Good discussion generated, but several felt the need to have 'the book on the shelf' as the wisdom would be hard to recall.
CHCH 001
We all thought this was an excellent book. It was well-written, easily understood and explained. It encapsulated things we had all thought, but found hard to put into words. The notes and questions were excellent too. Good discussion.
Very lively discussion.
AKAR 002
Our hostess for the meeting noticed an increase of calm while we discussed the book and thought the Dalai Lama had a positive effect upon us already! Although some found it heavy going 2/3's of the way through, we all agreed his basic beliefs were those of us all and mirrored the 10 Commandments and the basis of all religions. We all felt we were the better for having read this book. A wonderful role model.
Mixed responses to the book. People felt that it had some interesting content but was too slow and repetitive. Interestingly however, the book triggered a great discussion.