Brief History of Everyone Who Ever Lived, A
Rutherford, AdamWho would have thought that humans have fewer genes than a banana or a grain of rice? In 2003 the Human Genome Project revealed this information, but their most unexpected discovery was just how little we do know about our genes. Sorting the facts from the hype, author Adam Rutherford gets us up to speed with what we do know: how we came to be, and who we are now.
This is a fascinating and lively account of our collective story spelt out through our genes.
Rather technical to begin with but became more interesting. Good discussion by group.
Lots of interesting information here! We found some of the metaphors a bit dense - maybe better for a documentary than a book. We had a great conversation about royal inbreeding, and DNA tests.
Once we got through the first section most of us managed! Rutherford has brought a dry subject alive - he would make a very entertaining lecturer, I'm sure. We're just not sure we'll remember everything!
Once we got into this book we all loved it. But we needed longer to get through it. Funny, informative, and some great stories.
Rutherford keeps up a non-stop commentary on 'Our Genes', challenging our pre-conceptions on who we are, why we are, and what future we can have.
A very mixed overall opinion of this book. Most thought it very interesting in parts, but very heavy reading!
Not an easy read but very worthwhile, and those who persisted gave it a high score. The ability to track and trace through DNA back thousands of years is resulting in a re-write of much of our established anthropology - fascinating.
This was not a successful book for everyone. A couple did not read it, but those who did, found it interesting, a challenge, and good for discussion.
Not all got through the book in the time available. For some the science was too dense. Nevertheless, the combined insights gained gave rise to a good discussion.
A bit wordy, people enjoyed some details. Fascinating topic, but a varied reaction in group. Some loved the scientific development.
We all enjoyed and learned a lot from this wonderful book. It's easy to understand - it feels like he's talking to you, but never "down to you". Adam Rutherford is a great communicator. Highly recommended, and thanks for adding it to the BDS library.