In Moral Danger

Biggs, Barbara

  9 Reviews

An authobiography by Barbara Biggs, who at 14, was a runaway with nowhere to go. The book tells of her sexual abuse by one of Australia's most successful criminal barristers, who had 'purchased' her from her grandmother.

This begins her account of the damaging after effects and of the dark side of the permissive seventies. An extraordinary family story told with black humour and unflinching honesty. [Small font]

Comments from Groups

Best discussion to date! Made us realise what sheltered lives we've all lead. Paihia 003

Surprisingly interesting book - it stimulated a lot of conversation. Some were disappointed that the story wasn't complete - the second book is now in hot demand at the local library! Auckland 248

Book was a challange to read because of some of the distressing content. However, the humour and the somewhat triumphant end as she has survived such a difficult childhood gives a sense of hope..... Auckland 234

Shamelessy honest. A strong minded woman who thought for herself. Lots of humour. Outrageously devious.....An amazing story. Katikati 002



NEWP 016
Generated good discussion. We felt she had no real emotional attachment to anyone in her life - not surprising. Not everyones cup of tea but gave a true insight to her life and her dysfunctional family. The ending was disappointing in that you dont really know how things turned out for her - left up in the air.
Most of our members couldnt cope with the sexual content and didnt finish the book. We werent keen on the style of writing either . No one is going to read the continuing story if it ever appears.
TAUR 009
Some did not finish the book as they did not enjoy the style of writing or the content. For those who did it opened a window on another world, and made us appreciate our happy childhoods, but felt saddened that there are families out there not dissimilar to this one. The book did generate a lot of discussion. Some felt that the author did learn some lessons along the way, and tried to make sense of things while constantly seeking approval and love...
CHCH 050
The group thought the subject matter was very sad and disturbing, but realised it was a true story, so it created a lot of discussion.
CHCH 050
Quite confronting!
WELL 169
It was mostly enjoyed, although the content was difficult for some.
HAVE 005
The majority of the group thought the writer gave an interesting, if horrific, personal story. Others considered the writing repetitive with no real story line.
Mixed reactions to the book. Most found it hard work but some thought it was worth the effort, and others didn't. It was certainly an eye-opener re how some people from seriously dysfunctional families really struggle to overcome this as adults.
AUCK 039
Very good discussion. Many different opinions. Excellent notes.