Fred Hollows: Autobiography with Peter Corris, The
Fred Hollows with Peter CorrisOpthalmologist Fred Hollows spent years improving the eye health of the Aborigines, and also worked in Nepal and Eritrea. His life story is related here by Peter Corris. NZ Interest. [Small font]
Comments from Groups
Everybody really enjoyed this book. The NZ connection was most interesting. We liked his forthrightness and down-to-earth attitude. We have made a donation to the Fred Hollows Foundation and hope that other groups will do the same. Amberley 002Most in the group found the book very interesting and informative. The reading notes were excellent. Dunedin 042Everyone loved the book. It didn't matter if it was a fundraising venture - to have such wonderful work documented in a very readable and personal way was great. Quite a spirited discussion as to what makes people tick, who achieve so much in a lifetime- and manage it in such a way that work continues and broadens in its scope. Mana 001An entertaining read without Fred giving away much of himself at all. Would have been better as a biography to find out what drives and makes someone achieve throughout the ups and downs of a lifetime, volatile relationships and endless bureaucracy which Fred faced. Very much written as a fundraiser. Auckland 223Outstanding book. enjoyed by everyone. Fascinating insight into the life and achievements of a very remarkable man (born in NZ). Thames 002
Opinions differed although we were agreed that Fred Hollow was a remarkable man who has left an impressive legacy,and also that he was demanding and difficult. Too much of the book was like a catalogue of his achievements and the notes were helpful in explaining that the book was written for promotional purposes. We hope that one day a good biography of this significant New Zealander will be written.
The 8 of us had read it though some had skipped 1 or 2 chapters. We wouldn't highly recommend it to others. All found the beginning of greater interest than the later chapters that emphasised deeds and achievements rather than the person. We all do appreciate his legacy.
Not the most exciting prose but the group felt it was a story that needed to be told. What an incredible man who achieved great things.
We all liked this book and had a good discussion relating to both the reviewer's commentary and then the questions. We all agreed that Fred Hollows could not have achieved everything he did without the courage of his convictions and his great humanitarian spirit.
All members loved the book. Fred Hollows is is inspirational. Reading the book gave us all an understanding/appreciation of the man.
Most people enjoyed it, although a couple mentioned that they felt that they didn't get to know him as much as they would have liked.
We all loved this book - a remarkable and very humble man. To give back the gift of sight to so many people who would have remained in darkness - priceless.
All enjoyed the book. Didn't see it as an autobiography but more of a biography. Great way to spread the word and get funds. Good discussion, particularly the plight of the aborigines. Would recommend it!
This book created so much discussion, which surprised me! Most of us thought the start was interesting about his life growing up etc, but got a bit sick of the second half when it all got a bit technical/work related. Even though we all knew who he was, a lot (most) of us had no idea how much he had done , and how far and wide. Sad he died so young - he sounded like a real character - a typical get on with it Kiwi bloke...
This book was chosen because one of our group has donated to the Fred Hollow's Foundation over a number of years. We felt that the book gave a good account of Fred becoming interested in ophthalmology, his training and the factors that led him to formulate his programmes in Australia, Nepal and Africa. He certainly made a difference.
A good read. What a lad! His skills live on.
We all enjoyed it. Lively discussion on the book led to discussion on other doctors supporting those in need.
Our group all enjoyed Fred Hollow's autobiography. We learnt what an amazing character he was, and the great work he has done for the Aboriginals, Nepalese and African people with his trachoma campaigns. The improvement he has made to third world health is truly amazing, and they need all the ongoing support they can get.
Fred Hollows was an amazing man, and it was good to read of all the work he achieved in 3rd world people's lives.
The group enjoyed this book. It was quite technical in places but this story of reaching out to primitive areas and making progress particularly with cataract operations was quite remarkable. He was a very down-to-earth man who achieved exceptional results.
Excellent read, a great New Zealander!