Migrant Journeys

Jansen, Adrienne & Grant, Liz

  17 Reviews

Subtitled 'New Zealand taxi drivers tell their stories', this book gives voice to fourteen migrants from ten different countries: what they left behind, what they have found in their new home, and of course, why they are behind the wheel of a taxi. Whatever the circumstance, refugee or migrant, and whatever the background, banker, accountant, or mechanic, each of these stories resonates with the striving for a better future.

Bringing together experiences both positive and negative, this story offers, from the perspective of its newest residents, a unique and fascinating view of New Zealand and New Zealanders, and a reminder of the part we can all play in making these journeys the success they deserve to be.



AUCK 307
Our group found these stories very real, and related to their own and family experiences. The book invoked a great deal of discussion. The issues raised are important, both the lack of willingness of NZ employers to accept overseas qualifications and experience and the waste of human skills and potential.
Easy book to read. Fascinating stories of past lives, and what it's like to drive a taxi, and be an immigrant in NZ. Most of us enjoyed it and consider taxi drivers in a new light.
ASHB 009
Everyone appreciated the book and most of us were amazed there are so many taxis in New Zealand!! Our immigration system does seem to rob us of some very talented and educated people though. There were many insights into the lives of the refugees and immigrants which really makes the reader aware of the sad and frightening experiences they have been through.
We agreed that the stories were a little repetitive but this seems to be a recurring theme for migrants. Their skills and qualifications aren't recognized and it's not an easy process for this to happen. The stories opened our eyes to the lives of migrants and the barriers they face relocating to NZ. At a time when we as a country are crying out for skilled people in all areas, we continue to undervalue the skill sets many migrants have. It made us question what the future holds if we continue on this trajectory.
CHCH 095
Perhaps stories a little repetitive but gave great insight into difficulties highly qualified migrants experience when they come to New Zealand and it generated a lot of discussion on that issue.
CHCH 240
Mixed reviews. Many thought there were too many stories, all with the same message - four examples would have been enough. But thought provoking on how migrants and refugees are treated - we all know doctors and lawyers drive taxis, but this message proved the point.
WINT 001
On first thoughts the group had mixed views on this book. The discussion notes, though, generated a wide ranging conversation around migration, refugees, war and governmental decisions. A very worthwhile book to read, especially with the increase in refugees in all parts of the world.
WELL 117
This book generated a lot of discussion. The group was very impressed at the quality of the notes. A thought provoking and very well researched book.
TAUR 011
There was more discussion on this book than there has been in years, book wise!
WELL 134
We all liked this book - NZ non-fiction and informative about immigrants from many countries, and their struggles to find an economic foothold. We liked the presentation of the book with the photographs, not only of the taxi drivers, but the street scenes as well. The book was a great reminder of how fortunate many of us are in our day to day lives.
NELS 007
This book was a big success with us and generated extensive discussion. Several of us are involved with the refugee programme here in Nelson, which also kindled interest. Many thanks.
We all enjoyed this book and feel it would benefit so many New Zealanders to read it and begin to understand the many different immigrants and refugees who choose to come here, and be more mindful of their problems in settling into a new culture. A culture which can treat them with distrust and at times misunderstanding. An interesting way to plot their stories - using their taxi driving as a common thread. Also a chance to examine our own feelings towards our ethnic groups and to move away from stereotyping people.
In general, we found the stories insightful and they opened our eyes to the plight of migrants and refugees settling in NZ. It did deepen our awareness to the difficulties they face when settling in a foreign country. We decided that this is not just a problem in NZ, but a worldwide problem. Changes in culture, language, society, religion and laws to name a few, add enormous stress while trying to settle and "fit in" to a new environment...
GISB 005
This book created great discussion about the plight of migrants to NZ. A majority of our group are migrants so they shared their experiences.
NAP 016
Mixed thoughts on book. Quite repetitive writing. Interesting to be informed of this situation and the history of the "cabbies".
TAUP 006
One of our group commented that this book illustrates why we belong to a book group - she would never have bought this or borrowed it, but having read it she thoroughly enjoyed it. A good discussion had, especially as we have two migrants in our group. Lots of positive comments about the attractiveness of the book as well as the good content. Eye-opening for some.
TAIH 002
No one had realised just how hard it is for migrants in the job market here. We found the book interesting to a point, but a bit repetitive.