I Will Die in a Foreign Land

Pickhart, Kalani

  1 Reviews

During the 2013-14 Euromaidan protests in Kyiv, thousands of Ukrainians protested against their country's move to alignment with Russia rather than the European Union. Conveying the events of this turbulent and violent period through the interwoven stories of their lives are Katya, an American Ukrainian doctor, Mish an engineer and friend of activist Slava, and Aleksandr, a reformed KGB agent.

Enriched with Ukrainian folklore and laying down the historical context for the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine, this is a tragic and tender story of the Revolution of Dignity.

Comments from BDS Reviewers

"Beautiful writing style."

"I was holding my breath for most of the time! A must read for all."

"Touching and tender despite the dreadful circumstances."

"I was fixated by this book. It has many layers and I cared for the characters a lot."

"I learnt so much about the tragic history of Ukraine."

"A very, very moving story of the four people and their families."

"Brutal and graphic - tough reading - but it is war."



AUCK 272
Excellent book, great discussion. Very well-written, great structure.