Into the Darkest Corner

Haynes, Elizabeth

  16 Reviews

When something seems too good to be true, then it usually is. In this case, the 'something' is Lee who on first acquaintance is a charismatic and appealing man. Catherine certainly thinks so, but finds out to her detriment the difference between his public and private faces.

A challenging thriller that considers the horrors of abusive relationships. This is compelling reading at its best, but does include violence and abusive sexual content. [Larger font]

Comments from Groups

Great book. 100% success rate. We talked about domestic violence. We have a psychologist among us so it was interesting hearing her perspective. We thought the ending was a bit predictable. Disturbing but compelling. New Plymouth 012

Everyone enjoyed the book. The counterpoint of the 'before' and 'after' worked very well, then the two stories coming together at the end. Tauranga 016

Really enjoyed it - easy reading with a good ending. Feilding 003

Words used to describe this book were gripping, page-turner, compelling, couldn't put it down - even though the story is grim, brutal and stressful to read. Nelson 020

Most members were very disturbed by this book and did not persevere with it. The few that did read it thought that it was very disturbing but well written. Christchurch 031

Opinion was divided as to whether the novel was well written, but we agreed that it was a compelling, if disturbing, read. It was definitely not 'enjoyable', but we felt that it mirrored awful events in our society which so often end in the law courts.... Hamilton 003

A very good book. Well written with surprising twists and turns. Some thought the repetitiveness of describing Cathy's OCD rituals was a little boring, but I think it underlined the torture of having OCD. Most gave it 9/10. Masterton 013

The book generated in-depth analytical discussion. It is a powerful book confronting mental health issues. All members found aspects of the book eg.content and swearing, "disturbing" but acknowledged it is "life" for many. An "eye-opener" for some..... Christchurch 320

We had to debrief after this book! What a terrible story. Cleverly written, the interweaving of 'past present' and 'present present' enabled us to feel the mistrust and anxiety the female character must have felt! Dunedin 061

A bit scary for some - a book to be read in daylight! Fascinating portrayal of someone recovering from a traumatic episode in their life. Christchurch 229

A great book which sparked great discussion about violence in different cultures etc. Also the lack of support available for people to move out of the situation they find themselves in. Hamilton 047

Most of the group found this style of writing interesting, but for some it took a while to understand it was the same person in each year. Nelson 058 058

A great read, gripping and interesting. Kept you guessing. A little full on at the very beginning which put some of us off, but with encouragement, those who read on enjoyed it. Motueka 004



This was very hard to put down. One reader lives alone and couldn't read it at night!! Interesting how the time line went back and forth. Highly recommend this book.
CHCH 171
A gripping read and insight into battered women and OCD. Would make a great TV series.
AUCK 167
A good page-turner!
A challenging and confronting read. Filled with suspense.
One person described the book as terrifying and another said they couldn't bring themselves to read it at night time. We all agreed that the story line was credible, 'in your face' and well written. A disturbing 'page turner' of a book. Initially the 'time line' skipping was frustrating but helped to set the 'present' scenes. We wondered if the lack of Lee's background added to his dark, sinister character. Our discussion centred around violence/dominance within couples and sadly a quarter of our group suspected or knew that it had happened to people they know.
AUCK 135
This book had a very mixed reception from our group. Several found the story so distasteful that they didn't really get beyond that. On the other side, others found it a well-written page turner.
Most of the group found it 'unputdownable', one could not finish as did not like subject matter and found the jumping around confusing. The rest thoroughly enjoyed, it was filled with tension and we found the OCD part challenging to read but very well described and fascinating. Thoroughly recommend.
AUCK 153
Most people found the book compelling, although one couldn't read it and 2 others were muted in their response. Lively discussion about both lead characters and their actions, and some positive comments about the story's resolution.
"Couldn't put the book down - had to know what was going to happen!". "Enjoyed the way the author had written it, was very clever".
TAUR 037
Many didn't finish - too brutal. Those that did found it a good read.
AUCK 255
Gripping read enjoyed by all. Prepare to be tense and on edge. Very well-written. Excellent group discussion and widely shared with our friends.
Those who finished the book enjoyed it, but found it an uncomfortable read. It encouraged good discussion about unhealthy relationships. On the whole a good read.
A really scary but well-written book. While the content rattled us, it gave rise to good discussion.
This was an absolutely fantastic book. Our whole club loved it and it was quickly devoured by everyone. We loved the 2 stories told side by side. Thoroughly recommended to all.
AUCK 276
Insightful and enjoyed by all.
Excellent! One of our faves so far.