One Hundred Years of Solitude

Garcia Marquez, Gabriel

  2 Reviews

Epic story of a South American family in a town built in the jungle. A blend of political reality and magic realism. The author won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1982.

Comments from Groups

After a lengthy discussion, it was decided that this book was a VERY interesting read. Could be read twice. Ohope 001

Many members found it a difficult read. It was a lot more 'mystical' than we expected, and you really needed time to read big sections of it, rather than little bits at a time. Invercargill 018

We have the benefit of an Argentinian lady in our group who knows the author's books well. Those who managed to finish it, enjoyed it. We would recommend reading it 'whole', without trying to understand who is who from the beginning - then re-read to understand the connections. Brightwater 001

Members found this book a challenging read, however it provoked some interesting discussion. We agreed that it needs to be read a second time to appreciate it fully. An excellent translation. Tauranga 005

We didn't all finish this book, as found it confusing with the similarity of family names between every generation - it was necessary to refer constantly to the family tree... Culverden 001

Quite a difficult book to read, but we were each glad that we had persevered. Feilding 002



CHCH 240
Not well liked by our group with few finishing it. Very complex and quite confusing with repetitive names for generational family members. Style of writing very clever with an underlying sense of both humour and the ridiculous.
It was certainly a masterpiece of creative writing! Without dialogue, a link to the book's title, the paragraphs were long and densely packed. It took a lot of effort to follow characters with the same or similar names. The style of magical realism did not appeal in this instance and only one finished the book. Perhaps it needs a second reading to appreciate its attributes but regretfully not for us.