Reluctant Fundamentalist, The
Hamid, MohsinAt the table sit two men: a young Pakistani named Changez and an American. Only Changez speaks, and he relates his story, beginning with his days at Princeton, his success as a financial analyst and his budding romance with a fellow Princetonian. Then comes the attacks of 11 September and over the next few months, the innocence of his ambition is shadowed by his experience - and by his altered understanding of his Pakistani past. As his identity fractures under the strain of conflicting impulses he returns to his homeland, and the complexity of his new life. [Larger font]
Comments from Groups
Excellent choice for book club discussion.
Everyone enjoyed it and found it a quick read but there was many different interpretations and opinions about aspects of the book which led to a very heated discussion. Christchurch 152 The group found the book easy to read and enjoyed it. Some people would have preferred a more clear cut ending. Wellington 001 This book led to the best discussion we have had for some time. Richmond 004 Very interesting discussion about an interesting topic - so beautifully written - perceptive with ominous overtones and a pleasure to read for all the group. Wellington 074 This book caused a very good discussion. Two members didn't like it and the rest of us loved it. Taumurunui 003
Our all-male group enjoyed this read for the way it depicted the developing tension between its two characters, and how one was trying to impress and put the other at ease, despite the growing threats. The storyline is again of contemporary relevance.
Half read and really enjoyed this book, and half of our group did not get past the conversational writing style and put the book away incomplete. Interesting metaphors in this book to consider.
This read created a division. Some liked it, some didn't. An interesting take on things.
We all thought this book marvellous in every way. Brilliantly conceived and written, and a terrific ending. No wonder it took him 7 years to write it. Perhaps the book of the year, I think this out dazzles them all.
Generated a lot of discussion about the world and politics.
Well-written, very intersting and unusual, much discussion about the ending being unresolved!
This was a very successful choice which lent itself to a lively and interesting discussion. Highly recommended!
A well-written book - we found the format so interesting, and the story well crafted. Led to great discussion about 'fundamental' - what this is and how it plays out.
A very different style of writing - not popular with most of the group. Much to discuss though and many different theories. It provided insights into the strength of birth vs. culture and would he have changed if he hadn't met Juan Bautista. Quite a sad story.
Thought provoking especially in the light of political events in present day America. Fascinating style of writing.
This book generated much discussion. Most agreed it was fascinating and beautifully written., The unanswered questions were both interesting and frustrating and led to many different conclusions. A book generating much thought.
One of our group found the book difficult to read but read to the end and did not like the ending. Another didn't like the 1 person monologue, and two others didn't enjoy the read. The rest of us however thought it was a great read and very interesting, although we all had differing opinions as to when he changed his view on America. Absolutely recommended by many of us.