Reunion, The
Van Der Vlugt, SimoneMemory is a funny thing ... Sabine Kroese is experiencing flashbacks from nine years earlier when her former best friend disappeared. What did happen that day, and why is she starting to remember now? As the fragments of memory slowly coalesce, Sabine is intent on discovering the truth. Set in the Netherlands, this is a fast-paced psychological thriller that captures the reader's attention with its strong plot and interesting examination of the nature of memory. Translated from Dutch.
Comments from Groups
We found this book a light read. Too many distracting irrelevant details, unbelievable characters, unanswered and unexplained aspects. Lost in translation perhaps? Wellington 018 An excellent book, kept everyone guessing right to the end. An easy read but at the same time thought provoking. Auckland 279 Although the exploration of bullying was worthwhile and provided some discussion we felt the story was rather thin. 5 out of 10. Christchurch 001. Varied opinion. Some felt the book was aimed for young adults/teens. Timaru 016 Provoked a lot of discussion, easy and quick to read. 6 out of 10. Waihi 002
Very easy read:-)
This was an engagement - filled with suspense. The interplay and development of characters provided a visual connection of past and current realities which drew to a surprising climax.
A lightish read which nevertheless evoked a good discussion re bullying in the child-adult world. Although the ending was predictable, it was very interesting to see how the author reached it.
Very enjoyable. Kept you in suspense right until the very end. Well translated.
An enjoyable quick and readable book with good notes. The psychologists in our group were keen to dispel the myth/device of repressed memory syndrome though.
A really good read. A clever story and a good book to discuss in a group.
First impression was that it is a novel for young adults and somewhat lightweight. However we became absorbed in the story and the discussion centred mostly on the complex character of Sabine. Was she mentally ill We also wondered whether it was the author's intention to focus on the effect of bullying; whether in school or the workplace. In spite of some inconsistencies in the plot, most of us enjoyed it.
Our meeting feedback was very positive. An easy read but keeps your interest to the end.
A "can't put down" book - light and easy to read. The suspense built up anti-climax. Most of our members felt let down by the "unfinished ending", and were left wondering.