Our Catalogue

​Browse our extensive catalogue of fiction and non‑fiction titles.

Mother of Invention
Marcal, Katrine
Dancing in the Mosque
Stanizai, Zaman
Bell in the Lake, The
Mytting, Lars
Bregman, Rutger
Oz, Amos
Mend the Living
De Kerangal, Maylis
After the Crash
Bussi, Michel
President's Hat, The
Laurain, Antoine
Door, The
Szabo, Magda
Higashino, Keigo
Unnecessary Woman, An
Alameddine, Rabih
Dinner, The
Koch, Herman
Summer Lies
Schlink, Bernhard
Art of Hearing Heartbeats, The
Sendker, Jan-Philipp
De Robertis, Carolina
Reunion, The
Van Der Vlugt, Simone