See What I Have Done
Schmidt, Sarah'Lizzie Borden took an axe and gave her mother forty whacks. When she saw what she had done, she gave her father forty-one.' We've all heard of the notorious Lizzie, but what really did happen in the Borden household on August 4th 1892? There are plenty of others who were part of the story: Lizzie's sister Emma, Bridget the maid, Uncle John ... and someone who knows more than they are letting on.
A vivid reimagining of the events around the famous unsolved Massachusetts crime, this book is gritty and compelling as it exposes this dysfunctional family to the light of day.
We thought Lizzie Borden's story was more interesting than shown in the novel.
The group enjoyed this book a lot more than expected. Many of us don't normally enjoy murder mysteries, but this one was gripping. The fact that it was a famous murder mystery helped too.
This book proved to be too gory for some of us.
Ratings ranged from 2.5 to 4. Two members found the book so unpleasant that they didn't finish it. We all found the characters and a lot of the details unpleasant, though those who gave it a better mark liked the author's writing style.
Mixed opinions. Some didn't finish. Some read it all. Generally agreed it was an interesting writing style, but just a bit creepy. Most thought Lizzie did it!
Had a good discussion about author's style of narrating in the 1st person, and jumping about to the different characters. Everyone expressed that it wasn't necessary to include the fictional hired killer, especially as the book was based on a true crime murderess. The descriptions were very vivid for all the senses.
Enjoyed by most of group.
Not everyone read the book, but those who did found it horribly compelling!
This was a challenge but we were glad to push through and read something out of our comfort zone. A haunting read! Was well written - very descriptive.