Our Catalogue

​Browse our extensive catalogue of fiction and non‑fiction titles.

Kingsolver, Barbara
Normal People
Rooney, Sally
Bridge of Clay
Zusak, Markus
Obama, Michelle
Bad Blood
Carreyrou, John
Alice Network, The
Quinn, Kate
Dear Mrs Bird
Pearce, AJ
Meet Me at the Museum
Youngson, Anne
Sealwoman's Gift, The
Magnusson, Sally
We Can Make a Life
Henry, Chessie
Tobacconist, The
Seethaler, Robert
Only Child
Navin, Rhiannon
Jane Austen Project, The
Flynn, Kathleen A
Hager, Mandy
Forna, Aminatta
My Father's Island
Dudding, Adam
Language of Kindness, The
Watson, Christie
James Hector
Nathan, Simon
Salt to the Sea
Supetys, Ruta
Heirs, The
Rieger, Susan
Go, Went, Gone
Erpenbeck, Jenny
Girls in the Picture, The
Benjamin, Melanie
Every Note Played
Genova, Lisa
Anatomy of a Scandal
Vaughan, Sarah
Milk Lady of Bangalore
Narayan, Shoba
Line Becomes a River, the
Cantu, Francisco